
Unusual But Amazing Workouts

Unusual But Amazing Workouts

Unusual but amazing workouts can renew your interest in working out and help you get into shape while having a blast. Imagine walking your dog, while cross country skiing at the same time. It’s called Skijoring and there’s even races. While the dog does some of the work, having a harness and straps to pull […]

How To Stay Motivated

How To Stay Motivated

The biggest cause of fitness program failure is quitting it before success was achieved. You need to identify how to stay motivated, once you’ve created your goals and the plan to achieve them. As a trainer, I find that most people want instant results and after the first few weeks, their enthusiasm and desire seem […]

Are You Sabotaging Your Calorie Counting

Are You Sabotaging Your Calorie Counting

Are you sabotaging your calorie counting by subtracting the calories burned by exercise? Is calorie counting actually ruining your attempt to lose weight? There’s so many ways to fail to lose weight, you might think you need a big elaborate plan that must be followed to the letter, but in reality, the simpler you make […]

Nutrition For Life

Nutrition For Life

If you want adequate nutrition for life, you need to learn how to make healthier choices when it comes to food. While there are all sorts of programs, including one called Nutrition for Life the key to all of them is eating healthier. You need all the important nutrients to have your body perform properly […]

Is Low Carb Actually Good For You

Is Low Carb Actually Good For You

Lately, a lot of attention has been given to low carb diets. They aren’t anything new. The Atkins diet was a low carb diet and that came out over 45 years ago. While the Atkins diet was quite aggressive and extreme, since then a variety of modifications and new diets have been introduced. The Atkins […]

Do You Need Supplements

Do You Need Supplements

Before identifying whether you need supplements, let me first be clear about what that means. The very name, supplement, implies that you’re only supplementing healthy eating, not replacing it. That’s all that supplements should do. The next factors necessary to answer the question is the type of supplement, your health, age and lifestyle. While vitamin […]

The Best Low Carb Foods

The Best Low Carb Foods

There’s nothing that beats eating healthy and making smart choices when it comes to food for losing weight and keeping it from returning. However, once in a while you want to get a head start on weight loss and lowering the carbohydrate intake is one way to do that. The best low carb foods are […]

Nutrition For Constipation

Nutrition For Constipation

If you’re finding that your bathroom trips are more and more disappointing, it can occur for a number of reasons. It might be lack of exercise. If that’s a problem, riding a bike for a half hour or so can really get your system moving and make your trip to the bathroom a success! It’s […]

Is Paleo Right For You

Is Paleo Right For You

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet. The concept of the diet is intriguing. Simply put, it’s eating the foods your ancestors would have eaten. That doesn’t mean your grandpa who loved his fried bologna or your great grandparents. It goes back centuries to the very beginning. If we […]

Tone Those Abs

Tone Those Abs

Losing belly fat requires you to lose weight all over your body, but you can tone those abs to give a flatter appearance, even when you have a little more weight than you wish to carry. Strengthening your core and abdominal muscles can also provide some great benefits, such as relief from back pain, better […]