Meet Jill…
A career-oriented, BUSY, & loving, mom…
Before she heard about SCULPTAFIT through the grapevinve – she was becoming more and more unhappy with gaining weight and her deteriorating health, energy and zest for life…
She knew it was time for positive change and SCULPTAFIT sounded like THE ANSWER. Click play to hear straight from Jill – about the amazing progress she has made in just a few months.
In the video she reveals a few simple, but helpful tips that any woman can start doing today. Such as, what she started eating, instead of deadly chips, etc…
To put her current success into perspective. In this photo I’m holding an anatomically correct replica of 5 pounds of excess body-fat. Jill has dropped 4 of these slabs OFF her body!

Nikki Holding 5 Pounds of Excess Body-Fat
Amazing and inspiring, YES 🙂
Below is Jill’s “Local Business Recommendation” of SCULPTAFIT on

Jill T from Julington Creek Shares Her SCULPTAFIT Success
We Help Women Reach Their Most Desired Goals of Fitness, Wellness and Anti-aging
At this stage of life, it isn’t all about superficial vanity. While that counts as part of the equation – there are other elements of optimum living that are far more important and valuable…
A – Higher Quality of Life and Enjoyment
B – Increased Productivity and Creativity
C – Enhanced Abilities of All Activities (You Name It)
D – Elevated Moods, Happiness and a Sense of Life-Control
E – Smaller Clothes Fit Better, Fun to Shop Now, Can Wear Cuter Outfits
F – Reverse Certain Signs Symptoms & Causes of Premature Aging and Early Disease
Are You Ready to Take Care of You – The RIGHT Way? We Will Help You…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (FREE if you call/text now)

SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team: Nikki, Kaci, Corinne, Austin, Alexa, Joey, MaryAnne