While most of the women coming in to SCULPTAFIT Saint Johns/Mandarin Studio list “weight loss” as a top priority for their personal fitness goals – that wasn’t the case with Laura…
She was actually happy with her weight BUT not satisfied with her body composition. She wanted to increase muscle-tone, firmness and shape, while reducing some of the soft flab in her trouble-zones and problem areas (some women refer to this scenario as “skinny fat”)
Click Play to See What Laura’s Magical Discovery Means to YOU
Amazing Results In Scotland??
As she mentions in the video, she had gotten amazing results with Joey’s DVDs when she lived in Scotland, but – truth be told – she found she “didn’t always stay disciplined on her own”, and would be “off track” for stretches at a time…
As she continued to follow Joey through his email newsletters and social media channels, she was aware that he had plans to open the first SCULPTAFIT Studio here in Saint Johns, Florida…
As fate would have it, she and her husband found themselves moving to Fleming Island, FL a bit before the Studio was set to open in June of 2016 – Of course, she was “over the moon” to realize she would be living only 30 minutes away from the SCULPTAFIT Studio and she made it a priority to get in as a “Founder Client” before we even opened the doors to the public.

SCULPTAFIT Saint Johns Magazine Photo Shoot
Menopause Management and Critical Keys to Proper Female Fitness
Laura reveals some eye-opening surprises on the video (such as menopause management) and also shares some of the critical keys that women need in a proper fitness program that delivers results in a gentle, fun and unique way.
Essentially, her original challenges and current improvements highlight what most middle-aged women want, when it comes to their health and wellness.
1 – Better Body-Composition
2 – More Energy and Strength
3 – Less Aches, Stiffness and Pain
4 – Reverse the Symptoms of Premature Aging
5 – Decreased Symptoms of Menopause
6 – Higher Self-Confidence and Better Body-Image
There is more that can be added to that list, as you are well aware. And that is what we specialize in here at SCULPTAFIT.
We Help Women Reach Their Most Desired Goals of Fitness and Wellness
At this stage of life, it isn’t all about superficial vanity. While that counts as part of the equation – there are other elements that are far more important and impactful…
A – Good Quality of Life
B – Increased Productivity
C – Enhanced Abilities of All Activities (You Name It)
D – Elevated Moods, Happiness and a Sense of Life-Control
E – Smaller Clothes Fitting Better, Ability to Wear Cuter Outfits
Are You Ready to Take Care of You – The RIGHT Way? We Will Help You…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (FREE Before New Year)
(Or email her: Nikki@SCULPTAFIT.com ) Nikki, Kaci, Corinne, Joey