3 Easy Moves to Improve your Body, Mind and Health In 8 days
Summer is on the horizon – and while it’s nice to be in better shape for the warm seasons – these tips apply to your overall health ALL YEAR ROUND…
Because the quality of your life and your health matters all the time – not just during the Spring/Summer seasons…
So today we share with you…
3 Easy Moves to Improve your Body, Mind and Health In 8 days
These actually start working in less than 8 days for most people – but 8 is a good number to expect ‘feeling a difference’…
Move #1 is what we call “pause-holds”
These are gentle isometric muscle contractions in a static position.
We typically have women do these at the start or end of a specific exercise repetition, depending on the exercise itself. For example…
In this photo you see Coach Kimberly checking the “pause-hold” form of one of our clients doing a specific exercise that strengthens and tones her arms, core and improves her balance…
Move #2 is called “synergy-stimulus”
This is where you combine multiple gentle exercises in a sequence, doing one after the other in a progressive fashion. (seen in photo above)
The combination of specific exercises create a synergistic effect that stimulates the metabolism WITHOUT having to overexert oneself and be in pain and agony.
The movement synergy triggers a physiological stimulus response of the muscles and neurons that reverses the effects of premature aging, burns excess flab and prevents aging due to self-neglect and sedentary living.
Move #3 is called LIIT
This stands for Low-Impact Interval Training
While high-impact and high-intensity is all the rage in the mass-media and in the mass-market… The truth is, this approach is not for most of us – and it’s really not necessary.
It leads to burn-out, chronic aches and pains, acute/severe injuries that sometimes require major surgery – and a host of other issues as well…
LOW-impact Interval Training removes the pain, the risk and the discomfort of HIIT – while triggering benefits that can’t be had with HIIT…
For example – with LIIT we remove momentum and fast, hurried movements – thus reducing the risk of joint injuries and/or muscle tears.
With LIIT, you are doing slow, controlled, focused safe movements that activate muscles and neurons to perform through the range of motion INSTEAD of momentum.
This is contrarian to what most regular trainers and hyped-up fitness franchises are doing these days – but WE KNOW BETTER and we do things differently.
So, to summarize – these are the 3 moves to incorporate into your fitness plan:
1 – Pause-Hold Positions
2 – Synergy-Stimulus Combos
3 – LIIT (Low-Impact Interval Training)
If you’d like to learn exactly how to do these so you’re not guessing and not doing things improperly – then come in for a Complimentary Sample Session so we can show you exactly how to do this. (we have 2 Sample Sessions left to give away this week)
==> Just call or text Nikki ASAP at 904-891-3680 (you’ll love it!)
And if you want to bring a friend, that’s great too!
The more people we help – the healthier our community becomes – and the world becomes a better place.
Speaking of the Comp. Sample Sessions – here’s a note from Vicky J., who recently came in to try one:
“Hi Nikki, Corinne and the Coaches at the Studio,
I just wanted to send a short note of appreciation and truly thank you for all you showed me in the Sample Session.
For so many years, I really had no idea how to exercise properly for my personal needs.
I’ve been so confused and frustrated for so long, always hearing this advice and that craze and that fad and then the hardcore stuff is the only way to get results, and on and on.
It was all quite discouraging.
And yes, I tried yoga and pilates, which are great for their purposes, but for truly getting fit, toned, strong and healthy I needed something else, I just didn’t know what it was until I discovered your Studio and tried the sample session.
I’m still amazed at how that session felt so natural and good, and yet still made me feel like I’m exercising properly and enough to make good, positive things happen.
I’m so glad I tried it and and even more thrilled to have signed up for your program after that sample session.
It feel like I’ve accomplished one of my biggest and most important life goals, which was finding a fitness program that I enjoy, brings me the results and benefits I need and allows me to now know that I’m taking care of my health the way we are supposed to.
My anxiety about my health is gone and my worries about my wellness have faded away. The people around me are seeing the improvements as well.
I just want you all to know how much you are appreciated and how much you are needed in the unique way you do your craft and the way you help “the rest of us” who need that something else, a better way.
I now look forward to living my life! 🙂
See you all soon.”
With much gratitude,
Vicky J.

Coach Kimberly and the 6:30am Ladies of SCULPTAFIT