
The Importance Of Strength Training

The Importance Of Strength Training

People automatically envision strength training as just a way to build huge biceps and muscles. While you can build up some great guns from weight training—don’t worry ladies, it’s almost impossible for you to do it—the importance of strength training comes from the other benefits it brings your workout. Strength training is one way to […]

Boost Your Confidence With Exercise

Boost Your Confidence With Exercise

You don’t have to workout very long before you notice that you feel more self-assured and confident. That’s because you can boost your confidence with exercise. There’s a lot of data to back up this statement, too. For instance, one study showed that people who started an exercise program had an improved self-image, even before […]

Tips For Beginner Runners

Tips For Beginner Runners

When you first start pounding the pavement, you’ll find pitfalls and better ways to run. It’s easier to start out with some tips for beginner runners from someone who already experienced them or learned to avoid the pitfalls from other runners. For instance, everyone is super hyped when they first start running, but that can […]

Stay Mentally Motivated

Stay Mentally Motivated

I hear all sorts of reasons from people on why they started their workout program. Some of those reasons include feeling better, getting healthier, adding endurance and looking fabulous. What often happens to the grand plans is they fall by the wayside when immediate results aren’t coming. There are ways to stay mentally motivated and […]

Get Your Abs By Summer

Get Your Abs By Summer

It’s not too late to get your abs by summer. In fact, it’s perfect timing. You could be shopping for a beachwear that doesn’t cover you from head to toe as soon as the summer wear arrives. The key to working on your abs is not just focusing on the abs, but the whole body. […]

Say Goodbye To Back Fat

Say Goodbye To Back Fat

You can start wearing more revealing clothing and ones not so covering when you say goodbye to back fat. Back fat comes from lack of muscle tone in the back muscles and excess pounds or bad nutrition. There’s no such thing as spot reducing, just taking off the fat from one area, so to attack […]

Should You Worry About Hormones In Food

Should You Worry About Hormones In Food

In today’s world it seems to be all about supersizing and getting to the ultimate goal faster. New farming practices create beef cows that grow to full size 20% faster and salmon that are ready for use twice as fast as their wild counterparts. There are cows that produce 15% more milk because of some […]

Are Carbs Unhealthy

Are Carbs Unhealthy

Is fat bad for you? Are carbs unhealthy? Before you can get an answer, you have to provide more information. Just like not all fat is unhealthy, not all carbs are. In fact, both fat and carbs are necessary for a healthy diet, but you have to have the right type of each. Trans fat […]

Incorporate A Stability Ball In Your Life

Incorporate A Stability Ball In Your Life

People often use a stability ball when they exercise for a variety of reasons. It helps your posture, your core stability and helps develop good overall muscle strength. However, you don’t have to relegate it to storage when exercising is over, you can incorporate it into your daily life. Some people use a large stability […]