Yet another awesome local lady sharing her “cutest dress” story loudly and proudly so she can inspire other women to do the same…
Lori Putnam is another super-sweet SCULPTAFIT client, who shares a very powerful story below… a story that will open your mind to the possibilities of health, wellness and a “better body” – that are within your reach RIGHT NOW…
Lori’s Cutest Black Dress (and Wellness) Success Story
Here’s the initial email Lori sent:
———–On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Lori Putnam wrote:—————–
I hope you guys had fun at Earth Fare’s grand opening – I hate that I missed it and I REALLY wanted to meet Joey and share my thanks to him for creating and opening the Sculptafit Studio.
So, here’s an update I MUST share… Amazing!!
In March, I bought THE CUTEST dress (without trying it on) and when I got it home and tried it on, it was TOO SMALL in the hips and tummy, ughhh!!. I hung it back in the closet, hoping I’d forget about it.

Cute Black Dress
Then, I found you and Sculptafit, and after a few weeks, my husband noticed changes in my lower-body, and said he could tell I was doing something because he was seeing results! A week and a half ago, my mom was over for dinner and she asked me if I’d lost weight because I was looking much thinner, toned in my hips (yay!).
Last Wednesday through Sunday, I was on a girls’ trip to Myrtle Beach, SC and knowing I was leaving Wednesday straight from work, what I wore that day would need to be professional but something I could travel in.
THE CUTEST dress, still hanging in my closet, price tag and all, was just begging me to give it one more chance. I gave in to it and O.M.G. – it FIT and it looked fabulous – not tight in the thighs and tummy like it had five months earlier.
And to top that off, during one of our shopping trips around Myrtle Beach, one of my travel buddies asked me if I was working out because my arms and my legs looked so toned!
Of course, I told her all about Sculptafit. I told her that as a former gym rat whose old training consisted of how many reps I could do with how much weight I could lift and how many squats could I fit into X number of minutes…
So, needless to say I’m amazed at the results I’m getting because now with the Sculptafit method I’m not killing myself, no longer dreading the gym trip, so sore I couldn’t lift my blowdryer.
In fact, I now actually LOOK FORWARD to getting to the Studio and feeling awesome when I leave, not “beat up”…
I told her that I totally believe in the Sculptafit method – I love the focus on quality and strength (inner and outer), not quantity and volume. I love the coaches, I love the support and I love the sisterhood of my Monday and Wednesday 5 pm workout group!
So I’m a convert. I’m a believer, and I not only see the results, others do, too. Thank you for everything you guys have done to help me feel better about myself!
Love love LOVE you!!!
– Lori Putnam
THEN, Nikki emailed Lori to make sure we can use her success story in this email today – and here’s her reply below:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Lori Putnam
Date: Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: Good morning!
To: Nikki Doherty @ SCULPTAFIT
Awe! Thank you. I don’t have a pic of me in THE CUTEST dress YET but will have some soon!!.
“And please let Joey know that if my story, which is just beginning, helps other women find a reason to at least come try Sculptafit for themselves, I’m all about that!…”
We’re all in this together, right? And you do not have to remove or change my name. I’m LOUD and PROUD!!!
And thanks for adding me to the Friday class. Have a great day and see you very soon! 😘
Well, what more can we say?? Lori’s story says so much… (We’ll be posting another update WITH photos from her soon.)
The neat thing is we have LOTS of success stories like this happening here on a regular basis and we have plans to create MANY many more… We are here to keep changing the face of fitness and wellness for women,… women JUST LIKE YOU…
Lori’s story is one that will make a positive impact on many women…
And in a society that is trending toward higher obesity and disease rates, her example of personal wellness success is one that can be replicated by anyone who chooses to step out of the common, self-destructive habits of poor nutrition intake and lack of proper exercise.
Right now, you are only a decision away from choosing what direction your health and wellness will go in, from this point forward. If you want the same improvements, changes, benefits and success as Lori – then we are the Team that can help you be your best, in a way that you’ll enjoy profoundly.
Simply call or text Nikki at 904-891-3680 (She will get back to you asap)
==>> We have a few open times for Complimentary Sample Sessions in the next 3-6 days so you can come try it, meet the supportive people here and see if this is exactly what you need to get you on the right track and making the positive progress you deserve.
Here’s to your best health and optimal wellness,
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