So it is almost mid-February… Which means Spring is just around the corner… and then Summer of course.
Because of that, we are seeing more women come in to get their health and fitness habits in the RIGHT track for the best results in the MOST enjoyable way…
And since we are getting busier, ee had another potential new coach come in last week for a session/meet & greet, and I want to share her candid feedback with you, because some of the insights she shares will let you know that we can help you reach your health and fitness goals starting ASAP…
Here is what Tammy wrote back after her session:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Tammy
Date: Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 9:45 AM
Subject: Review of SCULPTAFIT session experience, etc.
To: Nikki
Cc: Maryanne
Good Morning, Nikki!
It was lovely meeting you last week. As mentioned at that time, I definitely enjoyed my first SCULPTAFIT experience!
I’m a huge fan of mindful movement, there was no doubt that my mind, body and spirit enjoyed and appreciated the experience, including moving from station to station and trying out some very cool and unique equipment. (I love the equipment.) 🙂
Coach MaryAnne was WONDERFUL with instructing and guiding me into the correct alignment and such. I appreciated having her there to help!!
There are many benefits to participating in small private group classes, and I enjoyed the group energy that was shared in class last Monday. But I also realized the one-to-one attention I was getting as well. Very comforting.
The slow-and-mindful gentle movements that make up the SCULPTAFIT style, undoubtedly, align with the way I prefer to exercise. And although I exercise often, I could feel that “something special” — a sense of immediate toning and stimulation in my body — soon after class.
The feeling lingered throughout the day and even into the next day. While I’m not sure of what the best description is to explain that after-class feeling, once you feel it, you just know it!! You can feel you did something great for your body!
I’ve been in the fitness field for quite some time and I can surely say you guys are onto something incredibly special, effective and totally unique that so many women will benefit from, something I’d love to be a part of.
Have a wonderful day and week!
In Health,
We LOVE That Kind of Amazing Feedback!
If any of Tammy’s words resonate with you – then we’d love to have you come in too. You owe it to yourself to be doing something that improves your health, enhances your life and ensures vibrant longevity…
So call or text Nikki now for a 2 free sample sessions and a Studio tour: 904-891-3680
We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your personal health and wellness goals…
You have NO REASON to wait any longer because your life is important, YOU are important and your health MUST be a priority…
We are here to help YOU, no matter what you specific goals are…
The Amazing SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team

The Amazing and Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
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