Fitness & Wellness

Is Keto As Good As People Say?

Is Keto As Good As People Say?

If you’re considering a Keto diet, it’s probably because you’ve heard that it can help you lose weight. While healthy eating is the best way to lose weight, without actually dieting, a keto diet has some benefits. It consists of lowering the amount of calories you eat from carbohydrates to approximately 5% and increasing the amount calories of fat to approximately 70% with the last 25% coming from protein. This is just one version. Other versions include doing a cycle of keto followed by a cycle of a high carb diet, increasing the protein intake and reducing the fat intake or slightly increasing the carb intake.

The key is the type of carbs you eat.

When you think of carbs, you probably think of cake, cereal, white bread and pasta. Not all carbs are bad or high in calories. Vegetables are in the carbohydrate group, so is quinoa, dairy and nuts. However, vegetables, such as broccoli, lettuce and green beans are low in calories, so you can eat healthy and still be on a keto diet. What the diet limits is underground or root vegetables and refined carbohydrates. When you think about it, cutting out added sugar and refined carbs is the first step to a healthy diet.

What foods are on a keto diet?

Avocados may be a fruit—even though most people think of them as a vegetable—but they’re high in fat and count toward your fat intake. Fatty fish, eggs, butter, nuts, seeds, low carbohydrate vegetables and meat are included in a keto diet. Since 70% of the calories come from fat, the high fat intake may not be a good habit to form. Most of the diet includes healthy foods, which is a good habit to develop. While eating most types of fat is encouraged, trans fats are not allowed.

If a keto diet sounds too good to be true, you should know there are dangers.

If you take medication for diabetes, always talk to your health care professional. In fact, do that if you’re making any dramatic changes to your diet. Try to avoid too much saturated fat, since it isn’t heart healthy. Keto diets can also cause constipation, kidney stones, low blood pressure, nutritional deficiencies and increase your risk of heart disease. If you have a liver disease, a thyroid condition, or problems with your gallbladder or pancreas, you should avoid a keto diet for the sake of safety.

  • It can be hard to stick with a keto diet, especially if you’re constantly on the run and eat out frequently, where you don’t control all the ingredients in the food.
  • Be aware there’s a potential for low blood sugar, which is important for diabetics to remember, so they can monitor medication. It does offer benefits of lowering blood pressure, increasing energy and providing quicker weight loss.
  • The keto diet was originally used to help control epilepsy. In the 1920s, they found that it produced similar benefits as fasting, which was used up to that point.
  • Some people experience what is called the “keto flu.” It causes an upset stomach, can cause low energy, mood swings and even dizziness. It takes a while for the body to adjust to the change in diet.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Why Breakfast Is Important?

Why Breakfast Is Important?

Most people agree that eating a healthy breakfast is important. However, at Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, we have healthy people that just drink a cup of coffee to start their day and don’t begin meals until noon. These people focus on healthy eating, but basically eat their first meal later and their last meal of the day earlier. They follow of a schedule of intermittent fasting, which is also proven to be healthy, too. There’s no one right answer and reasons that both eating styles are healthy.

When you eat breakfast, what you eat for breakfast and your sleep schedule makes a difference.

If you’re working a nine-to-five job, you’ll be more apt to eat breakfast than a person on the night shift. These are factors that studies often neglect to include. A multitude of studies show that people who work the night shift for extended periods tend to have more health issues, which include an increased risk of cancer, ulcers, digestive problems, obesity, heart disease and metabolic disease. Studies that contradict the benefits of breakfast point out that people who skip breakfast burn more calories, but also have a higher incidence of inflammation that leads to other health issues.

You’ll boost your activity level when you consume a healthy breakfast.

There are so many factors to consider when discussing whether eating a healthy breakfast is the key to living healthier, so you can see how the results would be skewed. A study in 2017 increased the body’s ability to burn fat and lowered the potential for diabetes. Intermittent fasting, limiting eating to an 8-hour window every day and skipping meals for 16 hours, can also prove beneficial for your health. Both have proven healthy and both tend to be diametrically opposed.

Delaying your first meal of the day by just 90 minutes can make a difference.

Of course, that’s only if you eat your last meal an hour and a half earlier. That situation creates an intermittent fasting situation and still provides a healthy breakfast for the day. It can provide the nutrition you need, energy for the day and help you lose weight. No matter whether you eat a healthy breakfast or not, one thing is certain, no breakfast or a late breakfast is actually better than grabbing a donut or sugary cereal for breakfast.

  • Some individuals aren’t hungry in the morning. If it’s because of late night snacking, the real culprit that causes poor healthy, it’s not the lack of breakfast that causes the problem, but the night eating.
  • If you know your day will be physically demanding, consider eating breakfast that day. It will provide the energy you need to get through the morning.
  • For those that workout in the morning, eating a light breakfast may actually improve the quality of your workout by providing more energy. You’ll need a more substantial meal that is higher in protein afterward to ensure you have the materials to repair and build muscle tissue.
  • A healthy breakfast includes healthy carbohydrates, healthy fat and protein. A cup of Greek yogurt with wheat germ, nuts and fruit can be a quick on-the-go meal that includes all the essential nutrients.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

5 Ways To Stick To Your Fitness Goal

5 Ways To Stick To Your Fitness Goal

At Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, we put you and your goals first. We emphasize that in order to succeed, you have to stick to your fitness goal and I’m proud to say that our clients do. Their dedication inspires me. One of the reasons is their goals are well-defined. We help them narrow them down to an achievable goal that’s big enough that it’s exciting, but still within grasp. Sticking with a goal starts with identifying not only your goal, but what you’re truly capable of achieving. Being realistic, but your goals should be ambitious and excite you, too.

Keep a daily calendar with an activity list each day and stick with it.

Focus on the day and what you need to achieve. Whether your workout schedule calls for a walk at noon or a tough workout at the gym at 3:00, do it. Don’t worry about what you planned for the next day or next week. While your overall larger goals will take time to achieve, you’ll get there by taking one day at a time. Consistency counts.

Schedule the workout.

Part of putting daily goals should include scheduling your workout at the same time every day. It doesn’t matter where you’re doing the workout or how you’re exercising, doing it the same time each day and having it on your schedule will make it more automatic. It becomes like brushing your teeth in the morning or getting dressed. Scheduling your workout at the same time daily means consistency and consistency means success.

Find a workout buddy.

One reason personal trainers help clients achieve success is that just the fact you have an appointment with them makes you more accountable. The same could be true of a workout buddy. Meet your friend at the gym and workout together. You’ll probably work harder because someone is watching and be more apt to show up for your workout. It also makes it more fun when you exercise with a friend.

  • Don’t wait until right before you leave or exercise to lay out your workout clothes. Do things that make it easier for your to workout, like layout your exercise clothes or pack your gym bag.
  • You’ll also be more likely to stick with your program if you enjoy the workout. If using the same old machines is more of a turn off, try boxing. It’s active and a total body workout that will keep your interest.
  • Don’t forget to increase your workout and make it harder as you go. Not only will that give you better results, it will keep your head in the game.
  • Learn to enjoy the challenge of each workout. Make it more about the journey than arriving at the destination. Don’t be afraid to change your goals if you’re getting great results and make them even harder.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

What Does Clean Eating Really Mean?

What Does Clean Eating Really Mean?

What is clean eating and how is it beneficial? Clean eating is a way of selecting foods that are predominantly whole foods and less processed ones. There are variations to this that include excluding certain foods, like dairy, those with gluten and grains in general. Some people consider clean eating to be consuming raw food or strictly sticking with a vegan diet. The broader, more general definition is what is most accepted. While some definitions state there should be no processed food, processing includes cleaning, cutting, refrigeration and other preparation that should be encouraged, while highly processed food shouldn’t be.

Start eating clean by giving up highly processed foods and refined foods.

You can start slowly and give up food with added sugar and you’ll improve your health greatly. Americans eat far too much sugar. It amounts to 152 pounds a year. That breaks down to three pounds a week or about six cups. That’s almost three times as much sugar as recommended. Sugar is in most highly processed food and consuming too much can lead to more than just weight gain. It can lead to serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, premature skin aging, acne, cancer, depression and more. It’s hard to quit a sugar addiction, since it stimulates the same area of the brain as addictive drugs. If you can get past that hurdle, the rest is a breeze.

Give up food with refined flour.

Refined flour is flour that has the bran and germ removed, leaving just the endosperm. The bran provides fiber and the germ is where most of the nutrition is. The endosperm is the starchy coating that provides calories for the new plant to survive as it begins growth. Eating refined flour can cause weight gain, lacks nutrients, is far more acidic than whole grain flour and even cause digestive issues. It can create a slower metabolism, stress headaches, and constipation. People who eat clean eat whole grain foods.

While some people take eating clean to extremes, to most people, it means eating healthier.

Filling your plate with more vegetables, avoiding fried foods and focusing on healthier cooking is the more accepted version of clean eating. While some have taken clean eating to an extreme and created a dietary world that is hard to follow, most people interpret clean eating as healthy eating. Getting a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, cutting out sugar and highly processed food and focusing on a well balanced diet.

  • Eating clean is often mistaken for the rawist philosophy, which includes raw eggs and unpasteurized dairy products. While these foods aren’t processed, they aren’t necessarily recommended either and definitely create a challenge sticking with the program for most people.
  • Many people that opt for a clean eating diet also make sure it’s organic and free from pesticides and hormones. If you choose fruits and vegetables from the Clean 15 list, it doesn’t have to be organic.
  • Cutting back on red meat and eating more fatty fish will help you have a healthier clean diet, too. While there’s nothing wrong with red meat, including fatty fish will provide benefits it doesn’t, like omega-3 fatty acid.
  • Using products from grass fed cows is also an important part of eating clean. The milk products from these animals contain heart healthy nutrients.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Reasons Why Running Can Lift Your Mood

Reasons Why Running Can Lift Your Mood

At Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, we focus on total body workouts and building strength, flexibility and endurance. However, you can’t always get to the gym, so any exercise is better than no exercise. In fact, there are simple options you can do anywhere and almost at any time of the day. It’s walking or running. Running helps burn off stress hormones, too, which makes it ideal when your day isn’t going the way you want, since running can lift your mood.

Why does running help relieve stress?

Mother Nature has the perfect plan. Early man faced many dangers, warring tribes and wild animals were just a few. He needed to run or fight those dangers. When you’re under stress, your body creates hormones that prepare your body for running or fighting, so you can escape the danger or end it. The hormones cause blood to be sent to extremities and away from digestion. They make the heart pound faster, muscles tighten, breath quicken, blood pressure increase and all the senses to become more focused and sharper.

What happens if we don’t burn off the hormones of stress?

Unless the hormones are burnt off by running or fighting, those changes can leave you feeling sick to your stomach, mentally foggy and lead to chronic heart conditions, high blood pressure, stroke, anxiety and depression. In fact, cortisol, one of the hormones associated with stress, is also associated with the accumulation of belly fat, visceral fat, which is one of the most dangerous types since it crowds internal organs. It’s also one of the hardest types of fat to lose.

The runner’s high is real.

You’ll also feel great after a run, or tough workout in the gym, not just because it burns stress, but because of the endorphins the exercise causes the body to make. Endorphins make you feel great and in addition to burning off the hormones of stress, the endorphins created can also lift your spirits and help you cope with life better, while increasing your sense of well-being. In fact, exercise has now been noted as a powerful tool for fighting off anxiety and depression. It’s used as a complementary therapy that can reduce the need for medication.

  • Have you ever noticed people pacing when they’re nervous? In many cases, these people find that the pacing makes them feel better and do it without thinking. It’s an alternative to running.
  • When you’re under stress, it’s important to do some form of exercise. While we promote regular visits to the gym, since boxing is also great therapy, simulating the fight in “fight or flight,” it’s not always possible. Stay active to stay happy and healthy.
  • The endorphins released when you’re exercising are natural pain relievers. They stimulate the opioid receptors in the brain to bring that sense of peace and well-being.
  • Any type of exercise can help you by either improving your endurance, flexibility or strength. It gives you a feeling of confidence as your body becomes better looking, more energetic and powerful.

For more information, contact us today at  Revolution Training

Things You Didn't Know About Vitamins

Things You Didn’t Know About Vitamins

There is a lot of controversy on whether taking vitamins will help you live longer and healthier. Health guru and pioneer fitness expert Jack LaLanne, who opened the first nationwide chain of fitness gyms and was on TV for 34 years touting everything fitness related, took 40 to 50 vitamins a day. While it seemed it worked, since he managed to towed 65 boats filled with 6,500-pounds of Louisiana Pacific wood pulp while handcuffed and shackled crossing Lake Ashinoko, near Tokyo, Japan, it also could have been the great shape he was in, his healthy diet and genetics. Do vitamins really help? The answer isn’t a simple “yes” or “no,” but more of a “sometimes yes” and “sometimes no.”

Diet and sunshine are more beneficial than supplements.

A 2019 study, discovered that modifying your diet to make it better was far superior to supplements if you wanted to live longer. That’s because food contains phytonutrients that aren’t in supplements and enhance the benefits of the vitamins. Other vitamins may be in the supplements, but aren’t bioavailable. The bioavailability is how well the body absorbs the vitamin. No matter how many supplements you take, if your body doesn’t get the benefits, you simply eliminate them in your waste and urine.

Women past menopause need vitamin K2 to avoid osteoporosis.

If you’re a post-menopausal woman and worried about bone density, taking a vitamin K2 supplement could actually help. While studies aren’t always in agreement as to its efficacy, many studies show that it does. Many foods contain vitamin K1, which is an anticoagulant, but not nearly as many common foods contain K2 a vitamin necessary to ensure that calcium is deposited in bones, cartilage and teeth, while also preventing it from going to places like kidneys and blood vessels that causes coronary artery disease. It’s also important for brain functioning. Vitamin K2 is found in fermented soy called Natto, goose liver, egg yolks, dark chicken meat, butter from milk from grass fed cows and some types of cheese.

Vitamin D may also be beneficial as a supplement.

While safe sunning is one way to increase your vitamin D, most people just slather on the sun block or simply don’t go out in the sun. Vitamin D is extremely important for strong bones and teeth, reducing the risk of cancer and diabetes, boosting immunity, reducing the risk depression and improving brain health, improving metabolism, building muscles and aiding heart health. Studies show that a large portion of Americans have a vitamin D deficit. Fatty fish like salmon, beef liver and egg yolks contain vitamin D.

  • If you supplement with vitamin D or even do safe sunning, make sure you have adequate magnesium in your diet. It activates the vitamin D.
  • If you’re pregnant, supplementing with folic acid is important. It helps prevent birth defects. It also potentially lowers the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease for everyone.
  • While many people supplement with vitamin C when they feel a cold coming on, you can get too much of a good thing. It can be dangerous if you have liver disease or kidney stones. It also can cause stomach problems with nausea, diarrhea and headache for everyone if taken in too large of a dose.
  • Unless you have a specific problem of absorption, you’re far better off eating healthier rather than supplementing a bad diet. Add to that healthy diet a program of exercise and you have the perfect blend for a healthier life.

For more information, contact us today at  Revolution Training

Things You Didn’t Know About Vitamins

There is a lot of controversy on whether taking vitamins will help you live longer and healthier. Health guru and pioneer fitness expert Jack LaLanne, who opened the first nationwide chain of fitness gyms and was on TV for 34 years touting everything fitness related, took 40 to 50 vitamins a day. While it seemed it worked, since he managed to towed 65 boats filled with 6,500-pounds of Louisiana Pacific wood pulp while handcuffed and shackled crossing Lake Ashinoko, near Tokyo, Japan, it also could have been the great shape he was in, his healthy diet and genetics. Do vitamins really help? The answer isn’t a simple “yes” or “no,” but more of a “sometimes yes” and “sometimes no.”

Diet and sunshine are more beneficial than supplements.

A 2019 study, discovered that modifying your diet to make it better was far superior to supplements if you wanted to live longer. That’s because food contains phytonutrients that aren’t in supplements and enhance the benefits of the vitamins. Other vitamins may be in the supplements, but aren’t bioavailable. The bioavailability is how well the body absorbs the vitamin. No matter how many supplements you take, if your body doesn’t get the benefits, you simply eliminate them in your waste and urine.

Women past menopause need vitamin K2 to avoid osteoporosis.

If you’re a post-menopausal woman and worried about bone density, taking a vitamin K2 supplement could actually help. While studies aren’t always in agreement as to its efficacy, many studies show that it does. Many foods contain vitamin K1, which is an anticoagulant, but not nearly as many common foods contain K2 a vitamin necessary to ensure that calcium is deposited in bones, cartilage and teeth, while also preventing it from going to places like kidneys and blood vessels that causes coronary artery disease. It’s also important for brain functioning. Vitamin K2 is found in fermented soy called Natto, goose liver, egg yolks, dark chicken meat, butter from milk from grass fed cows and some types of cheese.

Vitamin D may also be beneficial as a supplement.

While safe sunning is one way to increase your vitamin D, most people just slather on the sun block or simply don’t go out in the sun. Vitamin D is extremely important for strong bones and teeth, reducing the risk of cancer and diabetes, boosting immunity, reducing the risk depression and improving brain health, improving metabolism, building muscles and aiding heart health. Studies show that a large portion of Americans have a vitamin D deficit. Fatty fish like salmon, beef liver and egg yolks contain vitamin D.

If you supplement with vitamin D or even do safe sunning, make sure you have adequate magnesium in your diet. It activates the vitamin D.

If you’re pregnant, supplementing with folic acid is important. It helps prevent birth defects. It also potentially lowers the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease for everyone.

While many people supplement with vitamin C when they feel a cold coming on, you can get too much of a good thing. It can be dangerous if you have liver disease or kidney stones. It also can cause stomach problems with nausea, diarrhea and headache for everyone if taken in too large of a dose.

Unless you have a specific problem of absorption, you’re far better off eating healthier rather than supplementing a bad diet. Add to that healthy diet a program of exercise and you have the perfect blend for a healthier life.

How Many Times Should I Workout A Week?

How Many Times Should I Workout A Week?

There’s no particular sweet spot when it comes to the number of times to workout a week that’s perfect for every individual. The Department of Health and Human Services—HHS—recommends at least 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week or 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic activity. That means working out hard for a half hour between 2 ½ days a week and five. So what’s the best number of days? It all depends on what works for you.

How you exercise makes a big difference.

If you’re only doing cardio workouts, like running, no matter how often you workout, you’re shortchanging yourself. You need all types of fitness and strength is one important form. Strength training is exceptionally good for weight loss, since it builds muscle tissue while burning calories. It also helps prevent serious conditions, like osteoporosis. It helps prevent injury, as well. You also need flexibility training to increase your range of motion. It prevents injuries and muscle pain. Cardio is important for heart health.

It depends on your goals and the amount of time you have.

The amount you workout will vary from other people if your goal is entirely different. People who are training for a specific sport will require more training than those who just want some healthy exercise. Someone that is exercising for weight loss will probably exercise more than someone that is on a program to maintain their fitness. The amount of time in your schedule also makes a difference. If you only have time to workout three days, workout three days. If you love working out and have more time, do five days.

You need two days a week for strength training, but you also need a break between days.

If you’re working out hard to build muscles or lose weight and doing a lot of tough strength training, make sure you leave 24 to 48 hours between sessions. When you build muscle tissue, strength training causes microtears in the muscle tissue. It takes a day to heal those tissues, boosting your strength and building muscles at the same time. If you don’t have a rest time between workouts, you’ll actually lose ground and your workouts will be less effective. That’s only if you’re doing intense strength training the entire workout and working the same muscle groups each time.

  • While strength training should be two days a week, you need cardio training at least three. Flexibility training should be done at every workout and is good every day. You can even do it several times a day if you have problems with tightness and range of motion.
  • You need to take at least two days a week off from training at the gym. Make those days active recovery times, walking, dancing or any other activity that provides modest exercise, but keeps you moving.
  • When you’re doing active strength training the entire workout, as in lifting weights, give yourself 48 hours between workouts when you’re putting in those two days a week.
  • Our personal trainers will help you with a schedule that’s both healthy and fit. Each person has their own program to help them get into shape, lose weight or achieve any fitness goal they select.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

Is Running Good For Cardio?

Is Running Good For Cardio?

We promote any type of exercise that a client likes and will do consistently at Revolution Training in Stamford, CT. You should look forward to working out and getting healthy exercise. We often get questions on what the best type of exercises are and one that come up frequently is whether running is good for cardio. There’s a lot of evidence that running, or any type of physical activity, is good for the heart. It lowers blood pressure, helps regulate sugar, lowers the risk of blood clots in vessels and arteries, increases circulation and regulates cholesterol levels. It also helps burns calories and aids in weight loss. However, there are some negatives.

Some studies showed that running helped some people live longer, but not all people.

At a discussion at a meeting in 2012 of the ACSM— American College of Sports Medicine—based on 31 years of following 50,000 patients from Cooper Clinic in Texas from 1971 to 2002, the follow up showed that after 15 years, the 14,000 people at reported running, were shown to live 19 percent longer. However, when the runners were divided by distance run, only those that ran less than 20 miles a week got the benefits. Those that ran more than 20 miles a week had the same longevity as the non-runners.

Another study showed that running too long, too much and too far was bad, but soon refuted.

Later in 2012, a paper came out that said running should be no more than 30 to 50 minutes a day. The author of the study said that if you ran too fast for too long or too far, it might shorten your life. While all those that hated running loved this conclusion, but there’s more to it. Data now shows that even running longer can be beneficial. The problem with many of the studies is that they don’t identify all the risk factors the runners had previously. Some people take up running to help health conditions. The latest data shows that people who run 30 miles a week get benefits, but as little as five to ten minutes of running can provide benefits for heart health.

It’s all about doing what you love doing.

One of the factors that doctors now consider is whether you love running or are stressed every time you have to run. If you love it, do it. It helps reduce stress. It’s one of the reasons boxing is so good for your heart health. It gets the heart rate going, strengthens the heart, aids in blood pressure control and reduces the risk of both diabetes and heart disease. When you train to box, you do other cardio activities to prepare you, like jumping ropes, riding stationary bikes and yes, even running.

  • Why is enjoying the exercise important? You’ll be more apt to do it. Finding a workout you enjoy will drive you to make other changes so you can do it better. It’s one reason boxing can make long term changes in your overall health.
  • No matter what your age, boxing can strengthen your back, core muscles, legs, shoulders and arms. It boosts your endurance and aids in keeping you mentally and physically fit. It’s good for all types of fitness.
  • Part of the reason that boxing is for everyone, no matter what your shape, sex or size, is that it’s a challenge you train to achieve. Not only is the boxing healthy, so is the training.
  • No matter what your favorite form of fitness is, do it, but also get variety to encourage all types of fitness, cardio, strength, flexibility and balance. We support all types of exercise and encourage healthy eating.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training

A Simple Strategy To Reach Your Health Goals

A Simple Strategy To Reach Your Health Goals

At Revolution Training in Stamford, CT, we focus on helping you reach your health goals. That’s our total focus. There are no right or wrong goals, but there are goals that are unrealistic. If you’re five foot two and wanted to be six foot six, that’s unrealistic. In fact, it’s more of a wish than a goal. Barring some miracle or new type of surgery, it isn’t going to happen. You won’t lose 100 pounds in a month under normal circumstances, either. So the first step is to define your goal and make sure it’s realistic. Unrealistic goals set you up for disappointment.

Break your goal down into smaller steps.

If you’re completely out of shape and want to enter a 5K, starting by running that 5K immediately will definitely be a challenge that you probably won’t achieve or achieve without consequences. It’s better to start smaller and work your way toward that goal, perhaps starting with running just a half mile or less and then building. The same is true of weight loss. You can’t lose 50 pounds overnight. Break that goal down to smaller steps. Create a goal of losing one or two pounds a week for X number of weeks is the better way to go.

Create a plan, modify it if you must, but keep your goal in mind and never give up.

Success comes to the person who continues to try. Thomas Edison was once asked about the 10,000 failures before he found an incandescent bulb that worked said, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work.” He failed, yet continued to try because he knew there was a way. Our trainers will help you create a plan. We monitor and record your progress, so we know if you’re making progress or whether we need to modify it. You can do the same for yourself, always keeping your goals in front of you. Never give up.

Change one thing at a time, even if that change seems minimal.

If you’re starting an exercise program and program of healthy eating, don’t try to quit smoking, quit drinking, get new friends, build a house and etc. Make one change at a time. If those changes complement each other, then two. For instance, if you’re quitting smoking and find that working out helps, workout, but don’t make a goal for your workout other than to help you quit smoking. After smoking is no longer a habit, which may take quite a long time, create those fitness goals.

  • You don’t have to change everything at once for a specific goal. Is weight loss your goal but you have an incredibly bad diet? Change one thing first, the hardest thing. You might give up sugar first for several weeks before you add another food to eliminate.
  • Don’t make achieving your goal feel like a punishment. Sure you could live a spartan life and accomplish that goal quicker, but is quicker better if you hate every minute? It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Be kind to yourself, but still take steps to forge ahead.
  • Find fun things to help you achieve your goals. It’s one reason people trying to shed weight find boxing really helps. It is more than just the traditional workout, it’s fun, so they stick with it longer.
  • If you fall off the wagon to your goal, get back up and continue. Like with boxing, sometimes the goal sends you to the mat and you have to learn to get up and continue. One misstep does not define you.

For more information, contact us today at Revolution Training CT