
Create A Great Relationship With Yourself

Create A Great Relationship With Yourself

When you workout, you need to have the heart to put in your maximum. That means you need to create a great relationship with yourself so you can cheer yourself on to victory. Talking to yourself isn’t crazy, people do it all the time. Of course, much of it is mental, but occasionally you even […]



Depression is one of the biggest problems most people face during the holidays. It’s easy to understand why. Not only is it a time that brings a great deal of stress, running from one party to another, preparing meals and shopping for presents, it’s also a time when we often eat a lot of sugary […]

Favorite Cheat Meal

Favorite Cheat Meal

No matter who you are, if you’re trying to eat healthy, you probably still have a favorite cheat meal. You know, those foods that you love, but are filled with empty or almost empty calories. It may be a comfort food, such as mac n’cheese or mashed potatoes, a whole meal from a fast food […]

Have A Guilt Free Thanksgiving

Have A Guilt Free Thanksgiving

You don’t have to give up all the pleasures of the holidays just because you’re dieting. You can have a guilt free Thanksgiving and enjoy the bounty that this holiday is best known. Eating healthy doesn’t mean starving yourself. In fact, it’s far from that. Most people that opt for a program of healthy eating […]

Favorite Cheat Meal

Favorite Cheat Meal

Everyone has a favorite cheat meal that is loaded with calories and provides far less nutrients per calorie consumed. If you’re already familiar with the concept of eating healthy, you already know that you don’t have to give that food up entirely, just eat it far less frequently. Instead of once a day or once […]

Halloween Havoc

Halloween Havoc

Don’t be subject to Halloween havoc on your weight loss program. Be prepared for the holiday and have healthy snacks on board. If you’re like me and most people I know, at one time or other, you’ve purchased Halloween candy only to have to repurchase more before it was time for trick-or-treaters to come to […]

Fall Into Fitness

Fall Into Fitness

As the seasons change and fall comes upon us, it’s time to make this new season one devoted to fitness. Everything changes and you can too. No matter how out of shape you are, you can turn it around and the time to start is now. If you’re not already working out, start by using […]

Want To Be Faster?

Want To Be Faster?

You have no limitations when it comes to fitness. You can be faster, stronger and healthier than you’ve ever been, but you have to believe in yourself enough to stick with your goals. Up until 1954, everyone thought that breaking the four minute mile barrier was impossible. That’s until Roger Bannister, an Englishman, ran the […]

Let The Journey Begin

Let The Journey Begin

When you set any goal the road to it is the journey that can be as much fun as seeing the final results. You’ll be amazed at how good it feels to realize the same exercise you could barely do just a few weeks ago is now simple and almost easy. You’ll also love the […]

Unlimited Motivation

Unlimited Motivation

Are you looking for a source of unlimited motivation? Try working out in a group led by a personal trainer. There’s nothing better than working with other people to help you build your resolve and push yourself toward the your maximum potential. It’s amazing that people often achieve their best when they’re in a group. […]