
How To Start Your Fitness Journey

How To Start Your Fitness Journey

If you’ve been considering getting into shape, losing weight and getting healthier, but haven’t started, it’s time to start your fitness journey. How many times have you gone to the couch after a meal just to relax a minute before cleaning up the kitchen, only to find that minute extends to an hour or longer. […]

Should I Workout If I'm Fasting?

Should I Workout If I’m Fasting?

There’s a lot of talk about the benefits of fasting for health benefits, both longer term and intermittent fasting. When you fast, you are often lower in energy, especially if you’re doing a fast that’s a day or longer. That’s not necessarily true of intermittent fasting, which can be as simple as eating all your […]

Skinny Doesn't Mean Weak

Skinny Doesn’t Mean Weak

I have clients of all sizes and shapes at the gym in Alexandria, VA. Some of the clients that are thinnest or skinniest often amaze me at their strength. Just as being big and bulky with muscles that look like the Incredible Hulk doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re strong, being skinny doesn’t mean weak, either. […]

How Hormones Affect Your Health

How Hormones Affect Your Health

Clients who workout in Alexandria, VA, at the Worx, do so for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is to help improve their overall health. Working out affects the balance of hormones in the body, such as cortisol and hormones affect your health. So while most just want to get into shape, the […]

Keeping The Pounds Off

Keeping The Pounds Off

To often people come into my gym and they’re depressed, frustrated and at their wits end. Either they couldn’t take weight off or they did and within weeks it returned….and often brought friends. There’s a logical reason that dieting doesn’t work and it’s all about those pounds finding their way back home after the diet […]

Girls Gone Strong

Girls Gone Strong

It’s so much fun to watch clients in Alexandria, VA, get fit and make changes not only in their body, but also in their life. Whether it’s going from fitness zero to fitness hero or helping someone make the changes to extend their lives, it all brings satisfaction. It’s also why I do it. One […]

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner

We have a lot of variety at The Worx in Alexandria, VA, that should help keep your interest and we take a great deal of pride in the motivation we provide. If you’re just starting a workout and healthy eating program, it can be overwhelming and you may need more to stay motivated as a […]

Fun Ways To Improve Your Fitness

Fun Ways To Improve Your Fitness

While I love our P90X training, some of our members swear by the small group training or Beach Body Live events as the most fun. It’s important to enjoy what you do and also to try new things to get fit. In fact, finding more fun ways to improve your fitness is a great addition […]