3 Steps to Slim-down & Tone-up before Spring & Summer
It’s mid-March and in a few weeks these last few days of temps being in the mid 60’s will be replaced by days in the 70’s and 80’s…
Time to be outdoors more… Wearing shorts, dresses … swimsuits at the pools, the beach, vacation, etc…
And, of course – who doesn’t want to shed that excess weight that was gained during this last Holiday season?
EVERY BODY wants to slim-down and tone-up for Spring and Summer
And here’s how you do it:
3 Steps to Slim-down & Tone-up before Spring & Summer
STEP 1: Reduce Processed White Flour Carbohydrates In Your Meals
Processed white flour foods are like GLUE into your body and they cripple the metabolism.
The problem is that are subtly addictive and most people are simply eating them in a “mindless” way – too often and too much… Hence weight gain and the growing obesity related diseases we are seeing on the rise…
People who “wake -up” and learn how these processed food bombs wreck the body – reduce or replace them with foods that enhance metabolism and shed the excess fat weight to slim down and feel amazing…
STEP 2: Add Proper Toning & Fat-Burning Exercises 2-3X per week
Two or three gentle & safe fitness sessions per week is all you need – IF YOU’RE DOING THE RIGHT THINGS like we do here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio ( see current SCULPTAFIT Circuit Sequence video here )
You DON’T want to go “beast mode” or killing it in the gym.
The hardcore approaches are NOT for everybody – and they can often backfire on most women who need a gentler approach based on proven principles of Exercise Physiology and NOT mass-market fitness hype.
STEP 3: Add Elements of Support, Camaraderie and ‘Likeminded-ness’
If you go about it solo – chances are you’ll fall off the wagon… You’ll feel lonely, unsupported and discouraged before you even get any momentum…
BUT – if you do it with a friend – or you connect with a small group who are all striving toward health & wellness – then you virtually guarantee your likelihood of SUCCESS…
See, besides the sweet friendships that come from making these connections – something else happens… FUN ACCOUNTABILITY…
When this magical element of FUN ACCOUNTABILITY is present – you keep making progress -and LOVING IT while doing it…
And this all happens WITHOUT the “no pain – no gain” nonsense…
There you have it – 3 Steps…. If you want us to help you implement the 3 Steps and remove ALL the guesswork and give you each piece of the puzzle then…
Just call or text us right now ( 904-891-6336 ask for Nikki or Corinne ) and we can make sure you’re a perfect fit for our gentle & unique method.
The neat thing is – once you get into great shape for Spring – then you have all you need to maintain your great figure and AMAZING health for eternity.
Knowing how to take care of yourself will bring you years and years of vibrant joy and help you avoid years of anguish, surgeries, rehab, medications, therapy, etc…
What do you want? Good living for life?
Or the painful alternatives?
We know what you want, Smart Lady 🙂
Call or text us right now: 904-891-6336
Joey and the Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team