How Women Overcome Challenges to Be Fit, Happy & Strong for Life
This is the “Atlas Candid Cam” version of the Fitness Whisperer Podcast Episode #5
In this enlightening episode, you’ll hear:
1 – The Cool Story of How MasterCoach MaryAnne and Joey Met About 5 Years Ago
2 – How MaryAnne Didn’t Know that “most people never exercise”, when she was a growing up (this was a shock for her to learn)
3 – How she, her mom, and many of our SCULPTAFIT Clients have overcome, beat, defeated injuries, setbacks and obstacles, to become, fit, healthy, strong and happy… (we call it “Aging In Reverse” here)
4 – How Coach Corinne (possible a Master Coach by the time you see this) went through an incredible transformation since joining the SCULPTAFIT Team (this was VERY unexpected, and giving me goosebumps as I write this)
5 – How both women and men can take simple, doable steps toward reversing the aging process, adjusting the mindset, regaining lost abilities, and re-awakening the you of years past.
6 – And many more revelations that will inspire, awaken and motivate you to take positive action TODAY.
If you’re not already a client, and what you see in the video catches your interest as it relates to your personal health, wellness and longevity – then we’d love to invite you in for a Complimentary Sample Session…
Would You Like a “Spring/Summer Ready” Complimentary Sample Session?…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (or maybe even ‘1 Week Free’ if we have any left)

Joey Atlas and SCULPTAFIT Master Coach MaryAnne On “The Fitness Whisperer” Podcast Episode 5