#1 Problem with the Female Muscular System and How to Avoid It
There are between 650 and 850 muscles in a woman’s body.
Think about that….
Now think about the number of women who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Women who don’t get proper muscle stimulation and conditioning… (same thing goes for men too)
When we are sedentary, the muscles waste away. They “deflate” and become atrophied (shrink and get weaker – and more prone to injury)
When all those muscles become atrophied – it makes body composition worse. Meaning, the percentage of body-fat rises dramatically above the percentage of valuable muscle tissue.
And this creates a negative cascade effect.
1 – metabolism gets knocked out of whack
2 – weight gain keeps creeping higher and higher
3 – aches and pains keep increasing as time progresses
4 – balance and stability are sacrificed and we become more prone to falls
5 – energy drops lower and lower
6 – we lose coordination and agility
7 – mental clarity decreases and we get ‘foggy’ and forgetful
8 – risk of disease increases (diabetes, osteoporosis, heart failure, alzheimers, etc)
9 – depression, dementia, drop in self-confidence – all result from physical de-conditioning
These are all signs and symptoms of premature aging and early onset disease – which really means a shorter and less fulfilling life.
“If you don’t use it – you LOSE IT.”
The saying is 100% true…
When we have so much to live for, so many people who love us and want us to be around and be strong and capable – why do people let themselves go??
It’s the strangest thing, really.
The good news is – it doesn’t take a whole lot to get into a proper routine of smart exercise that gently stimulates all the muscles of the body to negate atrophy and fend off all the ill effects that result in a sedentary lifestlyle.
BUT – we have to do the right thing.
We can’t be doing crazy workouts that feel like punishment and torture.
We can be doing things that actually put our muscles, bones, nerves, tendons and ligaments at risk. That just makes no sense.
But what makes all the sense in the world is following a properly structured, simple and enjoyable fitness program that nurtures and trains the body the way nature intended it to be…
Low-impact, focused intensity natural body-movement exercise is the best way for women to get all the amazing benefits without the risk of injury and without the brutality that is being touted in the masse media and by all the extreme fitness fanatics…
There’s no need for that when you have something designed by Exercise Physiologists, based on proven science and not fueled by sill myths and “gym folklore”…
And that’s what we do at the SCULPTAFIT Studio of St Johns & Mandarin, FL – we deliver what YOU need.
If you want to come in for a friendly Studio tour and even try a session or two – just call or text Nikki at 904-891-3680
And we’re quite sure you’ll be writing something like this before you know it:
In health, wellness and longevity,
~ Joey and the Caring Coaches of SCULPTAFIT
PS – if you have any questions you’d like to ask about your personal health and fitness feel free to connect with Nikki at 904-891-3680
Nikki has years of wisdom that will help you understand how you can start making profound improvements today and keep them going forever.
3 Local Women Share Words of Wellness Wisdom on Gentle Fitness Method
I popped into the Studio just as the 5:45am ‘Gentle Fusion Fitness’ session was ending (around 6:25am) and a few of the ladies were still there and offered to share a few candid, unscripted words on the SCULPTFAIT Candid Cam, so we could share it on the blog, with you, just like this…
Enjoy! and please share this with anyone else you wish:
Some of the important snippets you’ll hear from Dani, Flo and Jeannie:
“been coming here for 2 years”
“my coaches give me variations and modifications that work around my issues”
“30 minute sessions fit my schedule and I look forward to coming here”
“making some amazing new friends and we all support each other”
“the coaches are so amazing, the best, and they care so much”
“I’m getting older BUT I’m getting stronger”
“it’s only my 4th day here, BUT…”
“GENTLE method is great for my bad hip”
“my balance, strength, tone, mobility are all improving”
PLUS MORE… just click play to see the video if you haven’t already…
Want to come in and try this? Are you ready to be healthy, happy and loving life?? Call or text us at 904-891-3680

Coach Kimberly and the 6:30am Ladies of SCULPTAFIT
Important Side Notes:
1 – We are now offering Wellness Massage Therapy sessions with Coach Kimberly, L.M.T. (you don’t have to be a Studio Client to come in for these)
2 – We are now offering ‘Gentle-Flex Yoga’ on a limited basis, with Master Coach Corinne (you don’t have to be a Studio Client to come in for these)
3 – On a limited basis, we are now offering private 1-on-1 ‘Strong & Healthy’ Personal Fitness Training for people who need exclusive attention and special guidance.
Call or text us at 904-891-3680 for more information on how we can help YOU.

Personal Training at SCULPTAFIT Studio

Personal Training between Semi-Private Group Sessions in the SCULPTAFIT Studio
Gentle Fitness Program Helps Alexis Travel the Galapagos with Full Enjoyment
Below is a post from yet another one of our fantastic clients, Alexis.
She posted while traveling because of how overjoyed she was about how only 2 months of gentle fitness training improved so many things for her, making this latest trip one of the best yet…
Her reference to “DIBS” is an acronym we use here for “Days In Between SCULPTAFIT”, which helps everyone stay on track with enjoyable, fulfilling exercise activity on the days they are not in the Studio for a session.

“FIT to Travel the World”
After Alexis posted that in the private client group zone, Nikki asked her if we could use it on the blog and if she’d like to add more details to the post, so other women could see what is possible when you find the right fitness program designed for a woman who wants to get the most out of life…
And here is what she sent back:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: alexis v______
Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Alexis V Testimonial
To: Nikki
“Trip of a Lifetime Enhanced”
My bucket list trip to the magical Galapagos Islands could not have been as enjoyable without my newfound strength, stamina and flexibility courtesy of my two months at SCULPTAFIT.
As a 64 year old woman, I knew that the trip would be challenging, BUT here is how my time at SCULPTAFIT has helped:
– Walking briskly through airports and small towns
– Lifting luggage into overhead compartments
– Walking up and down multiple flights of stairs daily (the ship did not have an elevator)
– Stamina on 1-2 mile hikes on uneven ground
– Balance on walks on lava rocks and different kinds of sands
– Transfers onto transport rafts multiple times per day
– Snorkeling moves for one hour at a time
– Kneeling and squatting to get a closer look at the impossibly beautiful and unique wildlife
And NO pain.. NO discomfort!
Thank you SCULPTAFIT Coaches!
~ Alexis
We LOVE getting these kinds of awesome testimonials. It reaffirms that we are fulfilling our mission of helping people live better lives, through simple and enjyable health and fitness programs that are unique, leading-edge and progressively innovative…
<strongWe'd love to help you too. You owe it to yourself to be doing something that improves your health, enhances your life and ensures vibrant longevity…
So call or text Nikki now to see if you qualify for 2 free sample sessions and a Studio tour: 904-891-3680
We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your personal health and wellness goals…
Joey and The Amazing SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team

The Amazing and Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
Forward Thinking Inventor Turns Unique Fitness Vision Into Life-Changing Reality
In this interview with Miriam Fratianni of Switzerland, Joey shares the personal story of his journey from youth into adulthood, and the peaks and valleys that guided him toward creating a simplified approach to proper fitness and optimal wellness, not just for himself, but for countless others all over the world and in the SCULPTAFIT Studio in Saint Johns & Mandarin, Florida…
Here are some of the topics covered in this candid interview:
1 – his unique childhood situation that showed him what daily exercise can do for your body, mind and health
2 – insights as to why only a small percentage of the population “show up” to take care of themselves, while others neglect themselves
3 – obstacles that prevent people from getting healthy, well and fit
4 – how changes of life stages prompted new ways of seeing what daily fitness should consist of
5 – “not so obvious” effects of exercise on gut health, digestion and assimilation
6 – the hidden truth about our surroundings, our food supply and the unseen forces that trigger harmful choices
7 – the factors of necessity that led Joey to inventing the SCULPTABOD Genius Fitness Training Units
8 – the inspiration behind creating and opening the first SCULPTAFIT Studio in Saint Johns/Mandarin area
9 – plus several more mind-shifting insights that will have you thinking very differently by the end of the interview…
If by some good chance the information shared in the video interview above inspired you to take your next steps of proper fitness and personal wellness…
…then simply call or text us at 904-891-3680 (Nikki will get back to you asap)
==>> We have a few open times for Complimentary Sample Sessions in the next 3-6 days so you can come try it, meet the supportive people here and see if this is exactly what you need to get you on the right track and making the positive progress you deserve.
Here’s to your best health and optimal wellness,
Carol’s Case Study: Life-Changing Improvements In 5 Months
We have a BUNCH of amazing success stories unfolding here, every week, in the SCUPLTAFIT Studio for women…
Today, I’m sharing Carol’s with you – not only to inspire you and show you what IS POSSIBLE, but also so you can start implementing her tips asap…

Carol R “Anti-Aging” Progress Photos
First – a little background…
Carol was referred to SCULPTAFIT by her good friend Diane who is one of our Founder Clients. Diane joined SCULPTAFIT before we even opened!
Once Diane got started with us, she was over the moon and said “I have some friends who NEED this…” And Carol is one of those friends…
Carol is about 5 months into her gentle fitness program here and she has made STUNNING improvements.
So, we asked her to summarize her positive habits that she follows in addition to what she does here with us and the other women in the SCULPTAFIT Studio.
Here’s what she wrote (pay attention because this is THE KEY to success for many women – when combined with the PROPER fitness program):
From: Carol
In Addition to My Fun & Effective Visits to the SCULPTAFIT Studio- here are some of my key “new habits”:
A – Breakfast is a small bowl of Fage 100% yogurt with honey and cinnamon. Sometimes I add a hard boiled egg later on if I am hungry.
B – Lunch is a small portion of deli meat with tomatoes and mustard or mayonnaise in small amounts. No bread… and I don’t go hungry.
C – If we are dining out I have a nice salad, any dressing is on the side in limited amounts, and then I add chicken or fish or even steak.
D – Most dinners at home; I eat a salad/veggie, I limit bread, and then have a smaller portion of just about any food I want for supper. Steak, fish, chicken. I like to cook so it varies every night.
E – I limit alcohol. I did not have any alcohol for the first 4 months of starting SCULPTAFIT. …and still mostly limit myself to a spritzer or a mixed drink with cranberry juice. I feel so much better.
F – I like dessert but my dessert has become a piece of fruit with low calorie creme and cinnamon. ( I did enjoy a small piece of my husband’s birthday cake this weekend. Some things I will not pass up, and I’m still making great progress 🙂
G – Snack during the day will be a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit. Always have fruit/dried fruit on hand. I have no added sugar at all, and no processed junk foods.
E – In my 5-month progress photo on the right, you can now see space between my body and my arms, because everything is shrinking and tightening up. It feels unbelievable. And you can see my neck is smaller and tighter, and my smile even radiates a better, happier kind of energy that was fading away before I started at SCULPTAFIT.

Carol R “Anti-Aging” Progress Photos
A few BIG bonuses since starting my personal program at SCULPTAFIT Studio, not overeating, and limiting alcohol:
1 – I don’t have GERD (what a relief!!)
2 – My cholesterol is DOWN. I have stopped taking cholesterol medicine as per my MD, on a 2 month trial basis!!!
3 – I’m aiming to get off my hypertension/BP meds next 🙂
4 – I had avoided getting on the scale for about a year! No kidding. It would just depress me. BUT now I check it once a week and and I am pleasantly surprised each time.
With improvements like that, I can say this is really like a miracle.
Yes, these new positive habits are a positive commitment, and they are SOOOOOOOO worth it!
I know I’m at my best for my family, including my grand-kids. It feels amazing really.
– Carol
WE LOVE getting these kinds of success stories from our clients!!! It’s why we do what we do!
How about you?? Are you ready to get your health and life on the RIGHT TRACK…
This is our specialty, this is our gift. We will help you get where you need to be.
As you can see, Carol is very similar to many women…
Maybe even very similar to you or someone you know… And if so, we’d love to invite you in to try a free week here, no strings attached.
At minimum, you’ll walk away KNOWING exactly what a proper fitness program is supposed to look and feel like for a woman like you.
And, hey – you may LOVE it so much here that you also want to become a client (we have several great programs to fit your schedule and budget.)
FACT: 1 cigarette takes off 11 minutes from a smoker’s life.
And do you know how much time every extra 5 pounds of body-fat takes off a life?
The figure hasn’t been quite nailed down yet, but the numbers are pretty scary when you factor in all the diseases, complications and problems…

Nikki Holding 5 Pounds of Excess, Health-Killing Body-Fat
It’s time to take care of YOU, just like Carol is doing…
And We Will Help You…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (or maybe even ‘1 Week Free’ if we have any left)
3 Best Anti-Aging Exercises Every Woman Should Know
As you read this helpful article, keep in mind – it doesn’t matter if you’re in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or 60’s (or even your 70’s!). Because…
It’s NEVER too early, and it’s NEVER too late, to make proper exercise a natural part of your lifestyle. Especially if you want to slow/reverse the aging process and shed the excess fat that has been accumulating on your body.
As all of our female clients here in the Studio will agree, there are actually A LOT MORE “best anti-aging exercises” than the 3 we are highlighting today.
But to get you started, or “back onto”, the right path to proper fitness, wellness and longevity – we’ll focus on these 3 unique and safe, Anti-Aging Exercises for now…
A quick side note about “Anti-Aging”… When you reduce/remove excess fat and flab from the female body, while increasing natural fitness that also involves the mind – you get a cascade effect that not only slows down the aging process, but also reverses a lot of premature aging that the average woman has suffered through. Certainly a truth for women in their 40’s and 50’s, but even better; this holds true even for women in their 60’s and 70’s.
These exercise photos have been taken out of our recent “Female Fat-Loss & Fitness Studio Configuration #4”, featuring me (“The Bodfather”) and certified SCULPTAFIT Coach Kaci, “The Sage”…

Staggered-Stance Safety-Band Push-down Anti-Aging Exercise
1 – Staggered-Stance Safety-Band Push-down
Three things that decrease with each passing year in the women who is inactive, or exercising improperly are; muscle-tone, healthy posture and strength of balance.
As muscle tone decreases, everything sags, drops and looks flabby. When posture goes bad, neck and back issues become more prevalent and there is higher risk of injury. And when balance decreases, risk of falls increases and lack of mobility begins to limit lifestyle…
The Staggered-Stance Safety-Band Push-down addresses these 3 problems in a safe, compound movement that any woman can do – and progressively improve at, as physical ability increases (at the SCULPTAFIT Studio we call this “Aging in Reverse”).

The Core & Kegel Contraction Combo Anti-Aging Exercise
2 – The Core & Kegel Contraction Combo
In middle-age and beyond many women begin to lose control of the pelvic floor and this results in various issues ranging from incontinence to decreased sexual function, and several others in between.
The pelvic floor is made of many muscles, and like all muscles, if they are not used & stimulated safely and properly they become atrophied and lose their functional abilities. For many women, the decline of pelvic health is often linked to postpartum changes in muscle, tendon and connective tissue structure and integrity. And for others it’s simply a result of sedentary aging.
The good news is, these ill effects can be reversed.
The Core & Kegel Contraction Combo safely activates, stimulates and rejuvenates the pelvic region. This renews and strengthens a woman’s biological control and functional performance of the area often referred to as “the center of the universe”.

The Trouble-Zone Slim & Tone Anti-Aging Exercise
3 – The Trouble-Zone Slim & Tone
Legs, buns, hips and thighs. Almost every woman wants improvements in those areas and the Trouble-Zone Slim & Tone does just that.
There are 90 muscles in the female lower body, and as women age those muscle become mushy, weak and deflated. They sag and lose their shape. As women become less active in middle-age the issues become even more visible.
Doing the wrong types of exercise won’t help (and sometimes make things worse).
The critical key is to properly re-activate those 90 muscles, to burn away excess flab and lift, tone, tighten & shape the glutes, thighs and legs.
Not only does the lower body regain an aesthetically pleasing look, BUT, there is also better strength, stamina, balance and functional stability that makes daily living awesome and combats the aging process like magic.
Above you see what these gentle and safe exercise do individually. But there’s even more anti-aging ‘magic’ when these moves are combined.
The synergy of the 3 moves combined results in the following:
1 – Deep Core Activation: strengthens lower-back, tightens belly & midriff
2 – Pelvic Floor Re-activation: reverses incontinence, decreases lower back & hip pain, improves sexual performance
3 – Postural Muscle Stimulation: prevents forward roll of shoulders, strengthens paravertebrals, prevents spine from ‘forward hunch’
4 – Neuromuscular Regeneration: increases neural pathways to muscles and enhances nerve to muscle communication
5 – Balance/Vestibular Re-conditioning: helps prevent falls and injuries that result from falls
6 – Cardiovascular Conditioning: improves stamina and heart & lung capacity, decreases risk of heart disease
7 – Body-Mind Re-connection: enhances well-being and body-image, decreases stress
8 – Functional Strength Improvements: makes all activities of living easier and gives ability to ” do more”
9 – Body-Fat Reduction & Muscle-Tone Enhancement: improves aesthetic appearance and confidence, as well as overall health and longevity…
When your doctor says: “You really need to start exercising…” …it’s for all the reasons above, and then some.
As you can see, the benefits are profound. And we take that to the “N-th” degree, in a very gentle and well-planned way, here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio via our 16 Station Circuit Configuration…
The 16 station Studio Configuration (which we we strategically modify every 4 weeks), not only induces variety into our female clients’ programs, but by design, the synergistic effect they produce on the body and mind is one that triggers positive changes with each passing week, while minimizing any risk of injury – in a unique way that is enjoyable and realistic for women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s…
The physiological enhancements of “anti-aging” listed above – then give way to the following “next level” benefits:
A – Higher Self-esteem and Self-confidence
B – Better Moods and Mindset
C – Positive Outlook on Life
D – No Longer Worried About Health
E – Enhanced Body-Image and Self-worth
F – Looks Forward to Social Gatherings
G – Family Appreciates the Improved & Healthier Version of Her
H – Performance in ALL Activities of Living Is Stronger
To summarize, proper exercises aimed at “Anti-Aging” are NOT supposed to hurt, feel uncomfortable or put a woman at risk of injury…
But rather, they should feel natural, enjoyable and be something a woman can do for decades to come – so she can continue to put the brakes on Father Time’s regularly scheduled plan of aging. And he can go “rapidly age” someone else, because YOU now have your own plans 🙂
Since you’ve read this far, there’s a VERY good chance you’re ready to start taking care of yourself the way you know you should be…
So, these are your 2 best options:
Best Option 1– If you want to take a FREE baby-step first, then email Nikki here ASAP and ask if there are “any more Free SCULPTAFIT Sample Session Packages left?” (Please INCLUDE your best phone number, as those who do get priority contact and access to any Sample Session Package that might be available here in the Studio.)
Best Option 2– Or, if you’ve seen and heard everything you need in the article above, and you’re ready “get on yourself on the right track once and for all”, then Send Nikki a note here, to see if we have any Private-Client Spots open.
Option 3 – If you just want to get started at home for now, then consider our Complimentary 7-Day “Slim & Tone at Home” Program Here. (No Charge 🙂
AND please do share this helpful article with all your friends. Just post the link on facebook, or share via email. They’ll LOVE you for it! 🙂