Even if you’re in the majority of women, who are anywhere from 15 – 80 lbs overweight, you’ve probably heard the term “Skinny-Fat”… Maybe you even have a friend who considers herself, “Skinny-Fat”.
The term, “skinny-fat” refers to the type of woman who:
– looks great with clothes on
– isn’t “technically” overweight, *but her body composition (muscle-tissue to body-fat ratio) is WAY OFF though*
– doesn’t even need to lose any weight
– BUT, she hates the way she looks when naked (or trying on a swimsuit)
– she feels like her body is older than her actual age
– and the mushy muscles and saggy skin keep getting worse with time…
But that’s not the worst of it. See, the ‘secret problem’ with being “skinny fat” is all the bad stuff going on beneath the icky surface…
The Hidden (and Dangerous) Problem of Being “Skinny-Fat”
In the Women’s Fitness/Wellness world we call it “Skinny-Fat Syndrome”

Sure the superficial aspects make her self-conscious, she doesn’t like to even go to the pool, or beach – and making love with the lights on is OUT OF THE QUESTION…
Yes, mushy muscles are weak, un-toned and give NO SUPPORT to the sagging skin on top of them, HOWEVER – the bigger problems, BELOW THE SURFACE, are the issues of health, longevity and aging rapidly.
A woman who is “skinny fat” is at risk for a host of illnesses, conditions and PREMATURE AGING, because…
Skinny women can still be unfit and “out of shape”… They can still suffer from the following common health issues:
1 – Osteoporosis
2 – Heart Disease
3 – Metabolic Syndrome
4 – Diabetes
5 – Hormonal imbalance leading to loss of libido, loss of energy and loss of vitality for living
6 – Early onset atrophy/sarcopenia (loss of muscle tissue, which means your family has to push you around in a wheelchair, etc)
7 – plus a few others… (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, mental decline, etc…)
When all these things start to snowball, it’s VERY hard to stop and reverse the momentum.
However, we’ve been able to do it for many of our “skinny-fat” clients here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio, but it does take a little time. However, when a woman thinks about the rest of her life and how she wants it to be the best, taking a few months to fix what is wrong is well worth it… (plus we make it SWEETLY fun in here and the women coming together are forming bonds, friendships and ‘magic’ that is inspiring each other to higher levels wellness and enjoyment of LIFE).
Listen, there is no surgery, beauty treatment or magic pill that can reverse all the things you just read about. All those things are selling you a high-priced pipe-dream, a proposed “quick-fix” that leaves most women disappointed and even more depressed…
Disappointment and depression eventually turn into hopelessness and then desperation – which fuels a new search for something “to fix my problems” This perpetuates the reactionary and dysfunctional approach to women’s health… When in reality, what is needed is a proactive approach to wellness and anti-aging.
The good news is, we can help you PROACTIVELY fix the things that are on the decline.
We can help you reignite the dormant parts of your body, mind and spirit to:
A – rejuvenate your shape
B – reactivate your muscle-tone (get you feeling GOOD about being naked or in a swimsuit again)
C – regain your strength
D – reinvigorate your zest for life
E – revitalize your youthful energy
F – reawaken the goddess within you (regardless of age)… and ALL that comes from that…
Truth is, you have many years to go on this earth. So don’t let the downward spiral continue, because the regret and despair only get worse. Take back control of your life, your body and your health…
…Because YOU deserve to be your best, not just for yourself – but for your loved ones as well.
Proper fitness isn’t a leisure pursuit – it is the ONLY PROVEN way to reverse the physiological aging process of the body and brain, to allow you to live life to the FULLEST.
We make it safe, fun, gentle and enjoyable with our proprietary method FOR WOMEN ONLY. But don’t take my word for it, just see what one of our clients said recently after her second week here;
“Hi Melanie, Nikki, Kaci, Joey… I just wanted to send this quick note of appreciation.
In the last 2 weeks I’ve come so far. It’s strange because I’ve tried some other programs in the past and put in so much more effort and strain, but I NEVER saw or felt the benefits that I’m getting here with you guys. What you do is so different and doable, yet you feel the changes almost day to day.
Everything that was sagging, dropping and drooping is now starting to lift, perk, firm and tone. And my shape is forming in a way I could never have imagined.
Before I heard about your method through Lisa, I was really at a loss. Feeling so weak, hating the way I looked without clothes on, feeling like I was aging in fast-forward mode, and just getting more and more concerned about my health.
I have kids, and I’ve remarried to an amazing gentleman, and I want to be around for everyone, but I want to be my best. And I now know what I’m doing with you is bringing me to that place. And I just want to let you know how grateful I am for finding your Studio, and for what you all do there on a daily basis.
This is what I need, this is what most women need. Let me know if there is any way I can help to spread your message to help more women find your amazing approach.”
Bless you guys… and THANK YOU!! xo
If you’re still reading this, you probably need the same type of solution for your life.
So, let me invite you in for a Free Sample Session Experience…
Reverse the “Skinny-Fat” Syndrome with a Free SCULPTAFIT Sample Session; which includes:
1 – a Complete SCULPTAFIT Sample Session class & Studio Tour (you’ll know exactly what proper tonging, shaping & anti-aging exercise is like)
2 – Take-Away “Firm, Shape & Tone” Cheat-Sheet: with notes/suggestions on what you can do on your own
3 – Free print copy of Joey’s book “Fatness to Fitness” – which includes the 28-Day Eating Plan, to help REBUILD your body with all meals, foods, beverages, snacks, etc…
Here’s what to do RIGHT NOW if you want one of these limited free spots:
A – Call or text me (Nikki) asap at: 904-891-3680
B – Or email me now: Nikki@SCULPTAFIT.com (please include your phone number to make things faster)
At minimum, you’ll finish your Sample Session KNOWING EXACTLY what you should be doing to tone-up, rebuild the mushy muscles, be in shape and get healthy again.
Oh and here’s another post from Elaine, another “wise woman” who is a sweet client here at SCULPTAFIT:

Reverse the “Skinny-Fat” Syndrome with a Free SCULPTAFIT Sample Session; which includes:
1 – a Complete SCULPTAFIT Sample Session class & Studio Tour (you’ll know exactly what proper tonging, shaping & anti-aging exercise is like)
2 – Take-Away “Firm, Shape & Tone” Cheat-Sheet: with notes/suggestions on what you can do on your own
3 – Free print copy of Joey’s book “Fatness to Fitness” – which includes the 28-Day Eating Plan, to help REBUILD your body with all meals, foods, beverages, snacks, etc…
Here’s what to do RIGHT NOW if you want one of these limited free spots:
A – Call or text me (Nikki) asap at: 904-891-3680
B – Or email me now: Nikki@SCULPTAFIT.com (please include your phone number to make things faster)