Fitness & Wellness

3 Keys to the Ideal Fitness Plan for Mature Women

3 Keys to the Ideal Fitness Plan for Mature Women

As a middle-aged woman, you are constantly under a barrage of misleading marketing messages, seductive “quick-fix” offers, and confusing advertisements – all aimed at improving your health, beauty and/or fitness…

With all the overwhelming info thrown your way, it becomes extremely difficult to “know” what it is that you really need in order to reverse your physical decay, regain your energy, rejuvenate physical abilities and reawaken your sense of attractiveness.


Today, I’ll simplify matters by giving you…

3 Keys to the Ideal Fitness Plan for Mature Women

True understanding of these 3 keys will give you the proper reference point to compare what fitness program options you might be considering. With that understanding you’ll be in a position to wisely choose your correct path to personal wellness and high quality of life.

Key #1 – Your program must be “appropriate”

First and foremost, you should NOT be doing anything that is painful or grueling. Yes, there are some women (a VERY small percentage) who live and die by high-intensity exercise, but they are “in their own world” and truly can’t understand what regular women need for a proper approach for fitness and anti-aging…

You want to follow a program that takes a gentle approach. One that is kind to the body and yet still triggers the desired results and improvements.

Many fitness pros will swear that “you have to push the body, blah, blah, blah…”

“But the truth is you don’t actually have to “push” the body when the things you’re doing are so effective and targeted – all you have to do is “guide” the body and let the method do its magic….”

Key #2 – Your program must be enjoyable

This is really simple. If you do not enjoy something, you will avoid it….

However, if you do enjoy something, you will look forward to it and you’ll want it to be a part of your life.

When you find a fitness program that you want to make a part of your life, because you ENJOY it – then that is when you’ve truly discovered “the fountain of youth”.

What we enjoy – we keep in our lives. Simple.

Key #3 – Your program must be effective

You want results from your fitness program. You want:

– increased energy
– stimulation of anti-aging (our sweet clients have a funny, but true, saying in the Studio; “Aging in Reverse!”)
– enhanced physical abilities
– better moods and happiness
– dropping of excess body-fat
– improved muscle-tone and body-image
– stronger health profile and less medical issues
– more powerful immune system and brain/mind function

And you may have more goals than those listed above – but you get the picture…

Your program must be effective enough to deliver those desired results, while being enjoyable and while be “appropriate”

“The American College of Sports Medicine, The American Council on Exercise, plus many other organizations, both domestic and international – agree that the key to fitness longevity is adherence, and the key to adherence comes from the 3 critical elements listed above…”

Listen, we didn’t open the SCULPTAFIT Studio for hardcore gym-bunnies. Nothing against them at all, but they already have plenty of places to go.

However, women like YOU need a proper place to go.

Who Did We Create SCULPTAFIT For?

“We opened the first SCULPTAFIT Studio here in the Saint Johns & Mandarin area for women who still needed a supportive, gentle, non-intimidating, all-accepting atmosphere – supported by a unique team of compassionate, wise and caring wellness/fitness professionals who were put on this earth to help YOU discover success…. To help you reach your goals and KEEP THEM…”

Lisa Dowling week 5 progress update

Which of These Will Be Your Next Step to The BEST YOU?

1 – SCULPTAFIT Personal Training: this is exclusive and private, but some women have asked for it and it is now an option here.

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

3 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 3 amazing options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP, so she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…So she can reserve your free Sample Session spot and get you in here, to try The Method for FREE and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

SCULPTAFIT client Brenda Pence 3-month FIT-Q Success Story

SCULPTAFIT Client Brenda Pence 3-month FIT-Q Success Story

#1 Trick to Drop Excess Body-Fat DURING the Holidays

#1 Trick to Drop Excess Body-Fat DURING the Holidays

So, it’s almost that time of year (it’s going to be here REALLY FAST)

That span of a “joyous” few months where there are plenty of parties, family gatherings, office celebrations, short get-togethers, and the all-day food and booze fests on the big holiday days…

Gaining or Losing Weight During the Holidays Is Usually a Choice

Gaining or Losing Weight During the Holidays Is Usually a Choice

While some people find it easy to ‘maintain control’ during the holiday season
– many people find it a time of year where several factors converge to create a rocky time of year that triggers far more caloric intake, resulting in more weight gain…

And we all know the superficial cycle:

1 – You quietly promise yourself
once this holiday season is over, you’re “going to get serious” about losing weight and getting healthy (how has that been working the last bunch of years?)

2 – You start the “warm-up” on Halloween,
when all that extra candy and chocolate is around. One bite here, a chocolate there, and handful of these other things in between… and the destruction has begun (yep, the Holiday weight gain season all really starts around Halloween)

3 – Thanksgiving comes
and because of your multi-family situation (or maybe you have lots of close friends) you end up doing 2 or 3 Thanksgiving meals over the course of a few weeks… And of course we have the leftovers that can’t go to waste, right?

4 – Christmas and Hanukkah roll around
and so do the big feasts – LOTS of them… Also another multi-family and friend type of scenario where you find yourself celebrating several times and therefore eating (and maybe drinking) for every get-together…

5 – And we finally make it to New Year’s Eve… This is the night most people top it all off, “knowing” that January 1st “they are going to get serious about getting fit and trim once and for all”…

6 – January 1st kicks in
and you “have a plan…”

Maybe it’s Weight Watchers…

– or you’re going to start “walking” or maybe even “train for a marathon”…

– or P90X, Zumba, or “INSANITY”…

– or The Atkins Diet, or Paleo Diet, or the Blood -Profile Diet, or the ________ Diet…

– maybe NutriSystem…

– or maybe you’re going to dust off all that awesome exercise equipment you have under the boxes in the garage…

– Oooh, or maybe you’ve saved up $10,000 for some kind of “surgery”…

– of maybe you’ve hired a personal trainer at the local gym…

– or maybe you bought a “tech device” to wear on your wrist or arm that is going to be the answer…

– or maybe you’re going to do some toxin cleanse and shake mix combo that your “multi-level marketing” neighbor sold you on…

– or maybe it’s something else…

But we know where this all ends right?

A few weeks in – maybe even a few months… ALL IS DONE. Your annual “resolution” is a distant memory and you’ll just wait until the Spring to get yourself “back on track”.. or maybe even just wait until 2018 – so you can do it all over again…

Deep down, you’re upset with yourself… You’re frustrated… Maybe even angry – because you REALLY DO want to reach the goals you have floating around in your head, BUT you honestly just haven’t found something that you can REALISTICALLY keep doing WITHOUT giving up and quitting…

But That’s About To Change Right Now

The #1 Trick to Lose Weight DURING the Holiday Eating Season

Here’s the deal:

It’s a 2-Step Mind-Trick

Here’s Step-1:

Even the “failure sequence” I listed above is a mind-trick. See, subconsciously you’ve set yourself up for failure even before you started whatever it is you’re going to do, because you’ve only made a superficial “commitment” to get the results you think you want…

“THE PROBLEM is you haven’t made a true and deep mind-shift that gives your intention and desired goals SUBSTANCE.”

You’ve been operating in a matrix.

A matrix that keeps you on the same cycle of repetitive failure. But now you’re going to “wake up” and rise out of that dysfunctional matrix. Because it’s the ONLY WAY you’re going to achieve your true goals.

And Here’s How You’ll Do It:

You haven’t “had a serious talk with yourself” about WHY you have this excess weight you want to lose…

See, losing weight for the sake of being skinny and not feeling self-conscious IS WEAK. It does you no justice… it puts no foundation of strength under your intentions. Your desired goals are not supported by deeper, more meaningful personal values…

Your “reasons” for change have to be based on what the weight loss means to you…

– how it increases longevity

– how it improves your quality of life

– how the weight loss positively impacts your health

– how you want to be around for your loved ones and NOT be a burden on them

– how it enhances all the experiences you want to have in your lifetime (intimacy, ability to travel and enjoy yourself, etc…

Here’s Step 2:

You Have to Get Yourself Into a Suitable and Effective Program NOW

You CANNOT wait until “January 1st” to start another new year resolution… because the same repetitive cycle will bring you right back to where you started – just like the last bunch of years have done…

You need to be honest with yourself.
Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself the clear truth. Have you been putting yourself first and taking proper care of yourself? Have you been tending to your body, mind and spirit?

The answer is most likely “No, I haven’t.” and that’s understandable, because modern day society makes it VERY hard for us to focus on ourselves the way we should be.

There is constant distraction after distraction pulling us in every direction, making us feel like our life is no longer our own and it’s so out of control…

Well – NONE OF THAT IS TRUE… Because…

Your life is yours to manage and yours to spend how you see fit.

BUT, you have to rise out of the chaotic mix that everyone operates in and start making your weekly plans THAT PUT YOU FIRST and allow you to take care of yourself the WAY YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO.

It’s really that simple.
Once you decide, then the rest is easy. You make your plan and the world will shape itself around YOU.

“We are here to help you not only implement this “shift” in your mindset – but give you the support, the community, the camaraderie, and the gentle, calming and super-effective Method here in the SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women, that you need in order to stay out of the Holiday Fat Trap this year – and EVERY YEAR after…”

Kim's SCULPTAFIT Sample Session feedback

Here are your 3 options to get you out of the annual cycle self-destruction and pre-mature aging:

1 – SCULPTAFIT Personal Training: this is exclusive and private, but some women have asked for it and it is now an option here.

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

3 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 3 amazing options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP, so she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…So she can reserve your free Sample Session spot and get you in here, to try The Method for FREE and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

SCULPTAFIT Client Brenda Pence 3-month FIT-Q Success Story

SCULPTAFIT Client Brenda Pence 3-month FIT-Q Success Story

One of the pillars of women’s fitness success that is part of the SCULPTAFIT Method is “Accountability”… And we have several elements that continuously provide the accountability aspect…

One of them being the “FIT-Q”.

The “FIT-Q” is what each new client of SCULPTAFIT goes through with Coach Kaci (“The SCULPTAFIT Accountability Ace”). It only takes about 15-20 minutes, but it provides critical information, and fuel for motivation, that helps get a woman moving in the right direction and in gear to reach her most desired health and fitness goals.

After that, Coach Kaci, meets with each client for a monthly follow-up “FIT-Q”. This allows our clients to see the improvements they are making and to also set new goals to reach in the months ahead. This is EXTREMELY POWERFUL and women are LOVING it.

I mention the “FIT-Q” above, so you can put Brenda’s words here, into context:

SCULPTAFIT client Brenda Pence 3-month FIT-Q Success Story

SCULPTAFIT Client Brenda Pence 3-month FIT-Q Success Story

There’s only one thing that can make Brenda’s “afterthought” testimonial even better, and that’s someone else chiming in to add her own proof of positive progress…

And Debra does exactly that, with her comment right under Brenda’s post;

Debra writes: “I agree, I have more stamina and my back does not get tired carrying grandson, Colton :-)”

Are you seeing the benefits these wise ladies are experiencing?

While we have women of all ages in here – the two above, Brenda and Debra happen to be “grandmothers”… But unlike most grannies, these ladies made a decision to age with strength, vitality and powerful energy.

When they are doing things, whether it’s gardening, hiking, playing with the grand-kids, or playing with hubby – they want to do it with full capabilities and leave nothing to chance.

How about you?

Are you leaving things to chance?

Are you letting your life-abilities slip through your hands? …Hoping that the doctors will prescribe medications and treatments to keep you above ground?

Well, It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way, Because…

Better with Age

1 – Age Is What You Make of It

2 – You Can Get Better With Age

3 – Tools of Youth Are Within Your Reach

4 – Others May “Get Old” But You Don’t Have To

Want to Be a Real-Life Super-Hero to Your Family?

Cool.. You have 3 options with us then:

1 – SCULPTAFIT Personal Training: this is exclusive and private, but some women have asked for it and it is now an option here.

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

3 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 3 amazing options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP, so she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…So she can reserve your free Sample Session spot and get you in here, to try The Method for FREE and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

The Big Shapewear Lie: "Who's Fooling Who?"

#1 Reason to Trash Your Shapewear and Restrictive Undergarments

We’ve had another amazing week here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio, changing women’s lives through “proper” fitness…

The good word is continuing to spread and our classes are filling up, mostly with women who didn’t have a proper fitness solution until we opened our doors…

Here’s a fun photo we recently took in between classes. Can you sense the positive energy??


And now on to today’s topic:

The #1 Reason to Trash Your Shapewear and Restrictive Undergarments

“Shapewear” is a huge moneymaking category in women’s apparel, with SPANX being the leader, valued at over $1 Billion (yes, billion with a B).

The reason shapewear generates so much money is simple:

“The garments offer a possible temporary “quick-fix” for
a major problem of many out of shape women – women of
all ages, from early 20’s to mid 70’s… Their insecurities make
them buy these and wedge themselves into the garments…”

With some work, a woman can literally squeeze herself into a “waist to ankle” undergarment (sometimes a full-body undergarment) in attempts to smooth-out the flab, the ripples and saggy excess body-fat… Then she puts on her outer layer of clothes – and she “doesn’t look so bad” anymore…

The Big Shapewear Lie: "Who's Fooling Who?"

The Big Shapewear Lie: “Who’s Fooling Who?”


But the day has just begun and she has at least 9 hours of quiet suffering to go before she can pry herself out of the uncomfortable underlayer that allows her to present the physical facade to anyone who sees her during the course of the day…

Going to the bathroom is a chore,
because it takes a bit of work to partially remove the undergarments and then “squeeze” everything back in when done with the potty break…

And because of their inherent restrictive and “overtight” nature, they can make a woman uncomfortably hot and sweaty, leading to other “female problems” in the sensitive zones and problem areas… (gas, UTI’s, circulatory issues, cellulite, numbness & tingling, etc…)

But that is all just the tip of the iceberg because there are a few more serious problems that are caused by a woman’s dysfunctional reliance on shapewear…




First – a woman must realize, she’s only fooling herself by wearing shapewear, because at the end of the day, you have to remove them and face reality, yes – the truth. You can’t wear them when it’s time to make love and you can’t wear them under a bikini…

Your “birthday suit” doesn’t come with a set of shapewear…

Second (and this is a BIGGER problem), even if you can fake everyone else out when you are wearing your temporary, body-constricting “shapewear”… There’s one more thing you can’t fake – and that is the actual “fitness” of your body…

Your false and uncomfortable “underlayer” acts as a band-aid that temporarily covers the external “symptoms” of an out of shape and unhealthy body…

Shapewear Rolldown

Shapewear Rolldown


“And the more a woman relies on the undergarments to
present a false version of her body, the more she let’s
her true health and wellness suffer…”

How does that happen?

Here’s how: by avoiding proper exercise and decent eating habits – which, if done consistently – would allow her to stop wasting money on the undergarments and STOP wearing them altogether because her body would be firm, toned, lifted, strong and NATURALLY shapely…

And she would FEEL AMAZING & SELF-CONFIDENT even when NAKED (regardless of AGE)…

Here’s the truth: by letting your body go, and thinking you can “cover things up” when in public – the only thing you’re doing is sacrificing your personal health and well-being…

The key to fixing this paradox is to take care of yourself. DON’T neglect yourself.

“Invest a little time daily to focus on your
health and fitness, because the benefits
come back to you in multiples…”

Your entire body is a divine gift that was given to your spirit at birth.
YOU have the basic responsibility to nurture, protect and enjoy that gift – your body. It CANNOT be neglected, It WAS NOT designed to be treated poorly and disrespected…

Your body is the vehicle that carries around your mind, spirit and soul. YOU MUST maintain that precious vehicle, and NOT run it into the ground.

When you “see the light” and get yourself on the right track, not only does your body improve, both internally and on the surface, BUT your self-esteem and confidence skyrockets.

In essence, you become a new woman and you think back and wonder to yourself “How did I ever get myself to squeeze into those prison-like undergarments everyday??”

You become free by taking simple responsibility for your wellness and fitness, and your life changes for the better – EVERY DAY.

You feel positive and happy about the healthy, fit and toned version of you. And when it’s time to be naked, you feel good about being in your own skin – and being seen by your special someone during times of intimacy…

Loving is good – and life is good…

It’s time for you to ditch the shapewear and RE-SHAPE your body (and self-image) for real, in a way that provides benefits not only to your superficial appearance but also to your health, wellness and longevity… Body, mind and spirit. (NO SHAPEWEAR will ever do all that).

I’m working on the schedule for the upcoming week and I have 3 free spots open for Complimentary Sample Sessions (these will be gone VERY fast). If you want one of them, here’s how to reach me to see if I still have any left

A – call me (or text me right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email me:

So I can reserve your free spot and get you in here, to try The Method for FREE and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

Here’s to your wellness and longevity,

– Nikki
PS – here’s a candid from one of the gentle classes this past week while the coaches were waiting for a few other women to arrive (while Joey is NOT ALLOWED in the Studio during sessions, we did allow him to jump in quickly for this photo opp (all our clients love him – it’s pretty hard not to 🙂


Joey and SCULPTAFIT Client Debbie

SCULPTAFIT Client Case Study Debbie Will Inspire Many Women

As you might already know, our mission and specialty is to inspire women to overcome their past battles and challenges of being out of shape and unhealthy, leading them to youthful fitness and energetic vibrancy…

Today’s golden example of inspiration comes in the form of Debbie Dorr’s 3 month update (you may remember her 1 month update we shared a few months ago) as a client at SCULPTAFIT in Saint Johns/Mandarin (you’ll be able to apply her principles to your life STARTING TODAY)…

So you can put a face with the name, here is a photo of Debbie and Joey after a sunrise beach-walk a few weeks ago at Mickler’s Landing in Ponte Vedra (we do fun activities like this, around the area, as a free, value-added bonus for all our clients of the SCULPTAFIT Studio)

Joey and SCULPTAFIT Client Debbie

Joey and SCULPTAFIT Client Debbie

Here is Debbie’s Powerful 3-Month Update:

A – 11 pounds down
B – 2 inches off the hips
C – 4 inches off the waist
D – Energy is WAY up
E – Attitude toward life is AWESOME…

SCULPTAFIT Client Case Study Debbie

Debbie’s Key Points of Inspiration:

1 – She attends 2-3 SCULPTAFIT sessions per week

2 – She does ‘D.I.B.S.’ on the other days (this stands for “Days In Between Sessions” and we provide all our clients with access to a private library of simple coaching videos to follow)

3 – She doesn’t “diet”, but rather is now making smarter eating choices based on her goals and the value she places on her health and longevity

4 – She follows the SCULPTAFIT philosophy of life. (this is a subtle shift in mindset and a new group of positive people in your life who support your goals, and help motivate you to get out of the self-destructive habits you’ve been following for the last bunch of years)

Debbie’s story is actually a bit deeper and more powerful than shown above. She overcame a battle with cancer before finding us, and we’ll be sharing that story in due time as well.

How to Fuel Your Motivation to Reach YOUR Goals

For now, here are the key points that you can use to fuel your own motivation
to take back control of your life, your body, your health and your future (if you don’t do this – everything just keeps getting worse and worse – and no medication can save you the way a proper healthy lifestyle can)

1 – Find a program that is SUITABLE to YOU and your needs.
(the wrong program can set you back badly, so choose carefully here) One thing you can do right now (For FREE) is get started at home with our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” program on this page

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

2 – Find supportive activities that you can do on the other days. You must do some physical activity on your “sedentary” days in order to reverse the evil effects of aging.

3 – STOP yo-yo dieting.
…And just create a sensible plan of eating that can be followed all year round no matter where you are and what you’re doing.

4 – Follow, or create your own, “philosophy” of life, and the habits that support that philosophy. This becomes your “GPS” for your daily, weekly and monthly actions. Simple but so effective…

It’s quite possible to do those on your own – BUT very unlikely as you might already be thinking. And that’s why we are here… to create the right scenario for YOU to follow the right steps, easily and naturally – for life.

If you’re unsure or still uncertain, just reach out to Nikki (904-891-3680) to set up a time to talk so you can get everything you need to know in order for you to start taking the positive steps for yourself.

If you’re a little unsure or insecure, no worries, because we totally understand
– and we’d be happy to have you visit for a relaxed Studio Tour, so you can really get a feel for what we are all about and how we can help you turn your health and fitness around.

Nobody else can do this for you. You are the captain of your personal ship…. Don’t let that ship sink. WE CAN HELP YOU…

In health and wellness,

– The SCULPTAFIT Team; Melanie, Nikki, Kaci, Joey

PS – call or text Nikki right now (904-891-3680) so you can try one our gentle Signature SCULPTAFIT Sample Sessions (at NO CHARGE, totally free, 100% “On the House”!).. or maybe you just want to visit for a Studio Tour to see what we have here for you, before you try a Sample Session.

PS – even if you just have some questions about it, give her a call, so you can see if this is actually something that would be a great fit for your personal needs. Maybe you just want to come on for a relaxed Studio Tour as a first “baby step”, and then maybe try a Sample Session after that… Just let her know.

PPS – here is Debbie’s 1-month progress update that I mentioned at the top of this page: