SCULPTAFIT Fitness Coaches Share Why They LOVE Coaching the Local Women
You’re going to LOVE this, because…
We don’t like “beast mode” (that’s so silly)
We don’t want to “kill it bro” (who says that???)
We don’t want to “go hard or go home” (who talks like that??!!)
We don’t believe in the “no pain no gain” thing (what’s wrong with people these days!!??)
Click play and enjoy (and WAIT FOR IT):
If you’re struggling with your personal fitness – worried about your health status – frustrated by lack of success with things you tried in the past, concerned about your wellness and what the future holds for you… Then reach out to us ASAP.
We are here for YOU. This is what we do – and we are the BEST at what WE DO.
We care about your life, your health, your longevity. And it’s our mission to guide you safely, properly and successfully to your best fitness and wellness goals.
We are inviting in 5 women this week to come try a series of Complimentary Sample Sessions – to see if we still have a spot left for you, reach out now by calling or texting one of the coaches here at 904-891-3680
The only thing you’ll regret is not getting in touch with us sooner.
It’s NEVER too late to do the right thing. You still have lots of life ahead of you if you take wise action now.
We look forward to meeting YOU 🙂
The Caring and Capable SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
SCULPTAFIT Presentation at Keiser University
A few months ago, Ryan Fairall (PhD, CSCS, EP-C, CES) reached out to us from Keiser University’s Jacksonville Campus…
He’s the Sports Medicine & Fitness Technology Program Director at the University and he wanted to explore externship/internship opportunities for his students…
And thus started what is shaping up to be a mutually beneficial relationship between SCULPTAFIT and the progressive Health/Fitness Degree program at Keiser.
He asked if we’d be interested in coming to speak with his students about our unique position in the health/fitness industry and why/how we chose to take an unconventional approach in helping people get fit and healthy.
His main intention was to expand the thinking of his students to look beyond what already exists, and think about what still might need to be created and/or grown in the fitness industry to start reaching more and more people who need realistic and sustainable ways of wellness.
The video above dives deeper. So, enjoy and please do share it with anyone you wish…
And if you’re interested in taking proper care of your personal health, wellness and longevity – please reach out to Nikki at 904-891-3680 (call or text) to see if she can get you in for a Complimentary Sample Session and a pleasant Studio Tour.
“You only have one life, make it a healthy and vibrant one….”
Gentle Fitness Program Helps Alexis Travel the Galapagos with Full Enjoyment
Below is a post from yet another one of our fantastic clients, Alexis.
She posted while traveling because of how overjoyed she was about how only 2 months of gentle fitness training improved so many things for her, making this latest trip one of the best yet…
Her reference to “DIBS” is an acronym we use here for “Days In Between SCULPTAFIT”, which helps everyone stay on track with enjoyable, fulfilling exercise activity on the days they are not in the Studio for a session.

“FIT to Travel the World”
After Alexis posted that in the private client group zone, Nikki asked her if we could use it on the blog and if she’d like to add more details to the post, so other women could see what is possible when you find the right fitness program designed for a woman who wants to get the most out of life…
And here is what she sent back:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: alexis v______
Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:36 AM
Subject: Alexis V Testimonial
To: Nikki
“Trip of a Lifetime Enhanced”
My bucket list trip to the magical Galapagos Islands could not have been as enjoyable without my newfound strength, stamina and flexibility courtesy of my two months at SCULPTAFIT.
As a 64 year old woman, I knew that the trip would be challenging, BUT here is how my time at SCULPTAFIT has helped:
– Walking briskly through airports and small towns
– Lifting luggage into overhead compartments
– Walking up and down multiple flights of stairs daily (the ship did not have an elevator)
– Stamina on 1-2 mile hikes on uneven ground
– Balance on walks on lava rocks and different kinds of sands
– Transfers onto transport rafts multiple times per day
– Snorkeling moves for one hour at a time
– Kneeling and squatting to get a closer look at the impossibly beautiful and unique wildlife
And NO pain.. NO discomfort!
Thank you SCULPTAFIT Coaches!
~ Alexis
We LOVE getting these kinds of awesome testimonials. It reaffirms that we are fulfilling our mission of helping people live better lives, through simple and enjyable health and fitness programs that are unique, leading-edge and progressively innovative…
<strongWe'd love to help you too. You owe it to yourself to be doing something that improves your health, enhances your life and ensures vibrant longevity…
So call or text Nikki now to see if you qualify for 2 free sample sessions and a Studio tour: 904-891-3680
We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your personal health and wellness goals…
Joey and The Amazing SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team

The Amazing and Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
A Unique Style of Exercise That Spans Multiple Ages, Fitness Levels and Goals
As word continues to spread, more and more women are finding us and “getting on their program”… And as we get busier with all these new local ladies making their health and wellness a BIG priority – we are slowly expanding our Stellar Coaching Team…
Last month I introduced you to Coach “T” and today I’m introducing you to Coach Krista. She is going to be a Co-Coach/Sub and then maybe more, once her kids’ schedules shift up a bit in the future…
As you know, our process for finding Amazing coaches involves the prospective coach coming in for a full class session and then writing back to us about her experience. What comes back to us in some of those emails is so insightful and so impactful that it’s silly for us not to share it with you…
So, here is what Coach Krista wrote back to us after her first session during the interview process last month:
———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 12:45 PM
Subject: SCULPTAFIT Class feedback
To: Nikki
Hello Nikki,
Thank you for getting me into a class today. It was very different and gave me a great “workout”!
I liked the slower pace that made my muscles activate for a longer period of time and really made me concentrate on what I was doing, not what everyone else was going. I also like that it’s a truly unique way of working out that is low impact and helps to eliminate many stresses on the body.
This is a unique style of exercise that spans multiple ages from young to mature!
The women in the class were a pleasure to meet and it is great that they all have their own reasons for being there and are working towards their own individual goals. The way that the class is set up allows them to push themselves towards accomplishing those goals without feeling that they have to compete with others.
I think that setup allows them to trust the coach involved as well the process along the way.
When I coach youth athletics I have made it a priority to get to know my players and find a little something that can help me relate with each of them on some level.
I enjoyed listening to Coach MaryAnne as she talked with each of the ladies about some aspect of their lives, it reminded me a great deal of what I have done during my own coaching.
Helping people accomplish their goals and getting to know them on a personal level along the way. The smaller class atmosphere really encourages that connection.
I have noticed that most women seek a comfort when making a decision to trust someone with their goals, I do that myself.
You have created an atmosphere that lets women feel comfortable and helps them reach their goals without all the stress of a regular gym and all the machines. This would be a great place to be a part of!
Thank you and Coach MaryAnne again for the “workout”. I really enjoyed it along with meeting you and getting to talk with you a bit.
Have a great day and end to your week and I look forward to hearing from you.
Krista is now part of the Coaching Team here, in the onboarding/training phase, at the time of this post, and moving forward quickly…
After her second session, she was already talking about all the other local women she knows who “need to be in here, and doing this method of unique exercise” because of all the benefits it brings WITHOUT all the agony, risks and pains….
We’d love to have you come in too. You owe it to yourself to be doing something that improves your health, enhances your life and ensures vibrant longevity…
So call or text Nikki now to see if you qualify for 2 free sample sessions and a Studio tour: 904-891-3680
We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your personal health and wellness goals…
Joey and The Amazing SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team

The Amazing and Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
A Sense of Immediate Toning and Stimulation In My Whole Body
So it is almost mid-February… Which means Spring is just around the corner… and then Summer of course.
Because of that, we are seeing more women come in to get their health and fitness habits in the RIGHT track for the best results in the MOST enjoyable way…
And since we are getting busier, ee had another potential new coach come in last week for a session/meet & greet, and I want to share her candid feedback with you, because some of the insights she shares will let you know that we can help you reach your health and fitness goals starting ASAP…
Here is what Tammy wrote back after her session:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Tammy
Date: Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 9:45 AM
Subject: Review of SCULPTAFIT session experience, etc.
To: Nikki
Cc: Maryanne
Good Morning, Nikki!
It was lovely meeting you last week. As mentioned at that time, I definitely enjoyed my first SCULPTAFIT experience!
I’m a huge fan of mindful movement, there was no doubt that my mind, body and spirit enjoyed and appreciated the experience, including moving from station to station and trying out some very cool and unique equipment. (I love the equipment.) 🙂
Coach MaryAnne was WONDERFUL with instructing and guiding me into the correct alignment and such. I appreciated having her there to help!!
There are many benefits to participating in small private group classes, and I enjoyed the group energy that was shared in class last Monday. But I also realized the one-to-one attention I was getting as well. Very comforting.
The slow-and-mindful gentle movements that make up the SCULPTAFIT style, undoubtedly, align with the way I prefer to exercise. And although I exercise often, I could feel that “something special” — a sense of immediate toning and stimulation in my body — soon after class.
The feeling lingered throughout the day and even into the next day. While I’m not sure of what the best description is to explain that after-class feeling, once you feel it, you just know it!! You can feel you did something great for your body!
I’ve been in the fitness field for quite some time and I can surely say you guys are onto something incredibly special, effective and totally unique that so many women will benefit from, something I’d love to be a part of.
Have a wonderful day and week!
In Health,
We LOVE That Kind of Amazing Feedback!
If any of Tammy’s words resonate with you – then we’d love to have you come in too. You owe it to yourself to be doing something that improves your health, enhances your life and ensures vibrant longevity…
So call or text Nikki now for a 2 free sample sessions and a Studio tour: 904-891-3680
We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your personal health and wellness goals…
You have NO REASON to wait any longer because your life is important, YOU are important and your health MUST be a priority…
We are here to help YOU, no matter what you specific goals are…
The Amazing SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team

The Amazing and Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
The Truth About Fitness for Women
In this candid and insightful interview on 91.7-FM “The Truth”, Joey and Staar talk about her eye-opening “workout” experience at the SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women…
Plus, LOTS more about mindset, myths, mistakes – and ultimately, how to get on the right track for LIFE…
If you found this candid interview helpful please do share it with anyone else you know who can benefit from hearing it. And…
If you’re local (Saint Johns, Mandarin, Fruit Cove, Switzerland, Nocatee, Fleming Islandetc…) and you’d like to come in for a Studio Tour and try 2 Free Sample Sessions, please call or text Nikki at 904-891-3680
The Amazing Coaching Team would LOVE to meet you!

The Amazing and Caring SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
My Wife Is Sparkling Again Like She’s 20 Years Younger!
From: John in Fruit Cove
A note of praise, and thanks, for the SCULPTAFIT coaches…
Nikki, please share this email with the coaches and Joey as well.
Two months ago, when Alice first started her fitness and wellness sessions at your studio, I was actually very surprised. She was very reluctant in the past to try something because she was scared or insecure, and maybe rightfully so.

Happy John and Healthy Alice in Fruit Cove Switzerland Florida
But the more she heard about your unique and safe method, the private studio and the stories about the other women like her who were having great success there, the more interested she became in trying it.
When she asked me, I was fully supportive of her to go try your free sessions, because I could see her health deteriorating, her energy dropping and her overall mood getting worse over time. On top of that, her mental clarity and her simple willingness to do fun things and travel was decreasing as these last few years have gone by.
I think the last visit to her doctor for her annual physical was the extra push she needed to come start with you guys. 3 of her vitals were worse than last year and she became pre-diabetic on top of that. The doctor said “you need to do some form of exercise”.
“She Is Like a New Woman”
So fast forward to now and I have to say, she is like a new woman; the woman I knew from years ago. She’s sharp again, can do so many things, her body is changing, her posture is beautiful, her energy is incredible (during the day or nighttime, lol) and she has this happy sparkle in her eyes that reminds me why I fell for her years ago.
Our kids are ecstatic about her rejuvenation because we have grand-kids and we plan to spend more time with them, especially as they grow and become more active. We want to be around for them and be able to do things with them.
What’s great is that she now knows she is in control of her health and longevity, and your team has made this all possible. I don’t know what else she could have tried that would have worked for her like this.
Even better is that all our friends are noticing the changes and 2 of her friends have already gotten started with you as well. You really have something special going on there and we are forever grateful that you are local.
We are so excited about the present and very enthusiastic about the future. Many blessings to the whole team and all the lives you touch.
With many thanks,
– John in Fruit Cove
As you can imagine, WE LOVE getting emails like John’s…
Because this is our calling and this is our specialty; Helping women regain what they’ve lost – or what they never thought they’d find…
– Optimal Health
– Balanced Wellness
– Vibrant Longevity
Want to See What Alice Is Doing?
We have 5 Spots for Our 1-Week FREE
“Well & Fit Health-Primer Anti-Aging”
Program at the SCULPTAFIT Studio
Call or Text Nikki Before These 5 FREE Spots Are Gone: 904-891-3680
Her CUTEST Dress Did NOT Fit! Then 1 Thing SHRUNK Her to FIT!
Yet another awesome local lady sharing her “cutest dress” story loudly and proudly so she can inspire other women to do the same…
Lori Putnam is another super-sweet SCULPTAFIT client, who shares a very powerful story below… a story that will open your mind to the possibilities of health, wellness and a “better body” – that are within your reach RIGHT NOW…
Lori’s Cutest Black Dress (and Wellness) Success Story
Here’s the initial email Lori sent:
———–On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Lori Putnam wrote:—————–
I hope you guys had fun at Earth Fare’s grand opening – I hate that I missed it and I REALLY wanted to meet Joey and share my thanks to him for creating and opening the Sculptafit Studio.
So, here’s an update I MUST share… Amazing!!
In March, I bought THE CUTEST dress (without trying it on) and when I got it home and tried it on, it was TOO SMALL in the hips and tummy, ughhh!!. I hung it back in the closet, hoping I’d forget about it.

Cute Black Dress
Then, I found you and Sculptafit, and after a few weeks, my husband noticed changes in my lower-body, and said he could tell I was doing something because he was seeing results! A week and a half ago, my mom was over for dinner and she asked me if I’d lost weight because I was looking much thinner, toned in my hips (yay!).
Last Wednesday through Sunday, I was on a girls’ trip to Myrtle Beach, SC and knowing I was leaving Wednesday straight from work, what I wore that day would need to be professional but something I could travel in.
THE CUTEST dress, still hanging in my closet, price tag and all, was just begging me to give it one more chance. I gave in to it and O.M.G. – it FIT and it looked fabulous – not tight in the thighs and tummy like it had five months earlier.
And to top that off, during one of our shopping trips around Myrtle Beach, one of my travel buddies asked me if I was working out because my arms and my legs looked so toned!
Of course, I told her all about Sculptafit. I told her that as a former gym rat whose old training consisted of how many reps I could do with how much weight I could lift and how many squats could I fit into X number of minutes…
So, needless to say I’m amazed at the results I’m getting because now with the Sculptafit method I’m not killing myself, no longer dreading the gym trip, so sore I couldn’t lift my blowdryer.
In fact, I now actually LOOK FORWARD to getting to the Studio and feeling awesome when I leave, not “beat up”…
I told her that I totally believe in the Sculptafit method – I love the focus on quality and strength (inner and outer), not quantity and volume. I love the coaches, I love the support and I love the sisterhood of my Monday and Wednesday 5 pm workout group!
So I’m a convert. I’m a believer, and I not only see the results, others do, too. Thank you for everything you guys have done to help me feel better about myself!
Love love LOVE you!!!
– Lori Putnam
THEN, Nikki emailed Lori to make sure we can use her success story in this email today – and here’s her reply below:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Lori Putnam
Date: Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: Good morning!
To: Nikki Doherty @ SCULPTAFIT
Awe! Thank you. I don’t have a pic of me in THE CUTEST dress YET but will have some soon!!.
“And please let Joey know that if my story, which is just beginning, helps other women find a reason to at least come try Sculptafit for themselves, I’m all about that!…”
We’re all in this together, right? And you do not have to remove or change my name. I’m LOUD and PROUD!!!
And thanks for adding me to the Friday class. Have a great day and see you very soon! 😘
Well, what more can we say?? Lori’s story says so much… (We’ll be posting another update WITH photos from her soon.)
The neat thing is we have LOTS of success stories like this happening here on a regular basis and we have plans to create MANY many more… We are here to keep changing the face of fitness and wellness for women,… women JUST LIKE YOU…
Lori’s story is one that will make a positive impact on many women…
And in a society that is trending toward higher obesity and disease rates, her example of personal wellness success is one that can be replicated by anyone who chooses to step out of the common, self-destructive habits of poor nutrition intake and lack of proper exercise.
Right now, you are only a decision away from choosing what direction your health and wellness will go in, from this point forward. If you want the same improvements, changes, benefits and success as Lori – then we are the Team that can help you be your best, in a way that you’ll enjoy profoundly.
Simply call or text Nikki at 904-891-3680 (She will get back to you asap)
==>> We have a few open times for Complimentary Sample Sessions in the next 3-6 days so you can come try it, meet the supportive people here and see if this is exactly what you need to get you on the right track and making the positive progress you deserve.
Here’s to your best health and optimal wellness,
She Quit Dieting, Dropped 85 lbs and Reversed Aging
While many of our ladies here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women prefer to keep their wellness and weight-loss stories on the private side, there are some who want to openly share their stories and photos in the hopes of inspiring other women to changes their lives for the better as well…
Nicole is one of these women who want to inspire you, and below are her 10-month progress photos showing just over 85 lbs of excess weight GONE. But the excess weight removal is only the tip of the iceberg. It gets even better…

Nicole’s 10-Month Health and Wellness Front-View Progress Photos
She shares the eye-opening details in this helpful Q & A interview that could hold the answer you’ve been seeking. Enjoy it, take action and please do share this with anyone else you know who needs the same kind of life-saving help…
How Nicole Dropped 85 and Gained Health, Youthfulness, Happiness and Quality of Life
1 – How would you describe your state of health and fitness before finding SCULPTAFIT?
While I never considered myself to be in poor health, I was physically out of shape, tired and things were slowly going further downhill…
After 25 years of marriage, 2 children and opening a business, I realized I had forgotten about taking care of myself along the way. I let myself go and it was affecting all areas of my life.
2 – Being a mom and wife, were there things that worried you about your health profile?
I always put everyone else first, that’s what mom’s do, right?
I’m not regretful about the choices I made but have realized as I’ve watched my children age, that I still have a lot more things to look forward to. I came to the realization that I had to make a change for the better if I planned on traveling with my husband, playing with grandchildren, and living a long and healthy, active life.
Making that positive change was my responsibility, it was up to me. And I just needed to find the right thing.
3 – How did you discover SCULPTAFIT?
I had seen SCULPTAFIT but had not yet ventured in to inquire. But then a friend told me about SCULPTAFIT, and then I had the opportunity to meet Joey at a church event.
Everything he said made so much sense to me that I knew this was something I had to at least try.
It almost sounded too good to be true, but I had a certain level of trust.
4 – Before finding SCULPTAFIT, which other exercise programs or diets had you tried in the past?
Over the years I’ve tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Curves when they were around, and the Atkins diet. I would see some early success but it wouldn’t last, nothing was sustainable and lasting, like what I’m experiencing now.

Nicole’s 10-Month Wellness and Weight-loss Back-View Progress Photos
5 – How would you describe your experiences in some of those past attempts at weight loss and fitness?
I was so focused on superficial physical appearance and losing weight that my success was typically short lived. I got into a pattern of losing weight only to regain it, and then gaining even more.
All very frustrating…
6 – What was it about SCULPTAFIT that made you feel this could actually be the thing that helps you?
Truthfully, I had no idea if SCULPTAFIT would be the right fit, but I was desperate to make a positive change.
The free sample session was the perfect for me to see what the program offered, and how the method is so different from everything else out there.
That first session was gently challenging, but it was safe, I could do it. It was also enjoyable and I really felt like I had accomplished something. It really was different, like Joey had described to me at the church event. I decided to stick with it.
7 – If talking to a friend, how would you describe the Team and method at SCULPTAFIT?
The entire Coaching Team is the most amazing part of this; very very different than traditional fitness instructors and trainers. The coaches here are encouraging, supportive and help you modify the movements if you need it.
They are truly invested in each and every client and want to see you succeed. Although unique, the exercises are easy to understand, even though they change every 4 weeks, and it’s fun making like-minded friends in class.
8 – How long have you been a client?
I’ve been at SCULPTAFIT for only 10 months. I’m in awe of how much progress I’ve made in that short time.
9 – What goals have you achieved so far?
My initial goal was really just to feel better. I felt so tired and achy all the time. Like I was prematurely aging…
Of course I wanted and needed to lose weight, but that wasn’t as much my focus. After only the first 6 weeks, I was feeling so energized. I began to find other ways to be more active and started walking on the days I wasn’t at SCULPTAFIT.
Eventually I started making logical, healthier food choices as well. The Team shares a lot of simple but usable food info that simplifies matters.

Nicole’s 10-Month Wellness and Weight-loss Side-View Progress Photos
My results have been astonishing. Not only do I feel much younger, stronger and healthier, but I’ve also lost 85 lbs. (and still dropping too!)
10 – What differences do you see in yourself both physical and mental – as a result of this new approach to exercise and mindset?
After losing 85 pounds, of course the physical change is undeniable. I’ve actually had people not recognize me.
The mental change is amazing too. I have actually created a new lifestyle, just by the way I think, over the last 10 months and that is one of the subtle parts that is different.
See I never went on a “diet” this time. I just set out to become active and healthy. And the SCULPTAFIT philosophy is based on shifting your thinking, combined with a totally unique approach to fitness for women
The progress has been steady and in the last 10 months, since I’ve been through many holidays, vacations and family events AND still stayed on track, I truly feel like it has become the new “normal” for me. That is profound.
11 – What differences and changes does your family see in you?
The change for them has been gradual, but the first thing they noticed was my positive attitude and healthy habits.
Not only have they always been encouraging but have participated with me in this change of lifestyle. We exercise together when our schedule allows for it and my husband enjoys the healthy diet.
My older daughter also comes to SCULPTAFIT with me when she is home from college.
12 – How have these improvements impacted your personal day to day life and mindset?
The impact on my life is very positive. I have tons of energy and I’m not dragging through the day. I sleep better, don’t need antacids or other over the counter remedies. My physical exam this year was outstanding and all my numbers are normal.
My entire outlook on life has improved tremendously.

Healthy & Well Nicole and Alan on Vacation 2017
13 – Do you have a favorite exercise, or certain aspect of the overall philosophy that you love? Or both?
I love that the studio circuit configuration change every 4 weeks. While some exercises come back around, you never get bored.
And with all the media spreading messages of high intensity, grueling, hardcore workouts it really is refreshing to know that there is a gentle way to get awesome results and something you can actually enjoy as a lifestyle filled with so many benefits.
It’s fun to see yourself getting younger, lighter, toned, stronger and more physically capable.
It’s easy to see why this could be ‘the answer’ for so many women who are still searching.
14 – With all the progress you’ve made so far, what long term goals do you have for your overall health and wellness?
I’m just ready to live life to the fullest. I’m so happy, now that I don’t have physical limitations or considerations when making plans.
15 – Is there anything else you would like to add that we may not have touched on above?
If you are tired of all the other things you’ve tried and aren’t sure what to do, talk to the Team at SCULPTAFIT.
Despite all the procedures and quick fixes being marketed out there, there is no magic pill or injection.
You have to be dedicated to making a positive shift, for yourself. Love yourself enough to just try it out. Because if I can do it, you can too!
~~ Nicole Crouch
Nicole’s story is one that will make a transformative impact on many women…
And in a society that is trending toward higher obesity and disease rates, her example of personal wellness success is one that can be replicated by anyone who chooses to step out of the common, self-destructive habits of poor nutrition intake and lack of proper exercise.
Right now, you are only a decision away from choosing what direction your health and wellness will go in, from this point forward. If you want the same benefits and success as Nicole – then we are the Team that can help you be your best, in a way that you’ll enjoy profoundly.
Simply call or text Nikki at 904-891-3680 (She will get back to you asap)
==>> We have a few open times for Complimentary Sample Sessions in the next 3-6 days so you can come try it, meet the supportive people here and see if this is exactly what you need to get you on the right track and making the positive progress you deserve.
Here’s to your best health and optimal wellness,
Forward Thinking Inventor Turns Unique Fitness Vision Into Life-Changing Reality
In this interview with Miriam Fratianni of Switzerland, Joey shares the personal story of his journey from youth into adulthood, and the peaks and valleys that guided him toward creating a simplified approach to proper fitness and optimal wellness, not just for himself, but for countless others all over the world and in the SCULPTAFIT Studio in Saint Johns & Mandarin, Florida…
Here are some of the topics covered in this candid interview:
1 – his unique childhood situation that showed him what daily exercise can do for your body, mind and health
2 – insights as to why only a small percentage of the population “show up” to take care of themselves, while others neglect themselves
3 – obstacles that prevent people from getting healthy, well and fit
4 – how changes of life stages prompted new ways of seeing what daily fitness should consist of
5 – “not so obvious” effects of exercise on gut health, digestion and assimilation
6 – the hidden truth about our surroundings, our food supply and the unseen forces that trigger harmful choices
7 – the factors of necessity that led Joey to inventing the SCULPTABOD Genius Fitness Training Units
8 – the inspiration behind creating and opening the first SCULPTAFIT Studio in Saint Johns/Mandarin area
9 – plus several more mind-shifting insights that will have you thinking very differently by the end of the interview…
If by some good chance the information shared in the video interview above inspired you to take your next steps of proper fitness and personal wellness…
…then simply call or text us at 904-891-3680 (Nikki will get back to you asap)
==>> We have a few open times for Complimentary Sample Sessions in the next 3-6 days so you can come try it, meet the supportive people here and see if this is exactly what you need to get you on the right track and making the positive progress you deserve.
Here’s to your best health and optimal wellness,