Down 61 LBS (so far): Nicole’s 7 Month Health and Fitness Turnaround Story
We LOVE helping women take control of their minds, bodies and lives…
Take, Nicole for example…
Here’s a 7 month progress photo comparison (in a few months we’ll post another update to provide even more inspiration and fuel for motivation)

Nicole’s 7 Month Fitness and Health Progress Photos
Kaci and The “FIT-Q” Keeps You On Track & Making Progress
Every month, Coach Kaci does a 15 minute “FIT-Q” status check-in with each of our clients to monitor progress, make sure things are tracking in the right direction and that each women is “in tune” with where she is guiding her health, wellness and fitness…
The Primary Health Parameters We Measure In Each FIT-Q Are:
1 – Body-Composition (Body-Fat %)
2 – Total Weight
3 – Hip Circumference
4 – Waist Circumference
5 – Left Arm Circumference
6 – Right Arm Circumference
While most women are aiming to reduce most of those numbers, there is a percentage of women who are trying to increase some of them. We’ll talk about that in a future blog post.
For now we’ll focus on the problems faced by the majority. Too much weight, dangerous body-fat levels and measurements that signal high-risk health profiles.
So we measure those markers to make sure the relative changes over time are trending in the directions that place the woman in better statistical ranges for her health risk factors, prevention (or reversal of premature aging), and improved quality of life, physical abilities and cognitive function as time progresses…
Enhanced moods, self-confidence, happiness, zest for life and a host of other improvements come via the ‘cascade effect’ of proper habits of fitness.
Additionally covered in the FIT-Q are the more qualitative aspects of total well-being such as reduction of aches and pains, improved energy levels, feeling more “in control” of life, having more mental clarity, and less brain fog, etc…
See, we help women do ALL THE THINGS they have not been able to do on their own.
By NOT “doing the right things” is how women get more and more out of shape, unhealthy, unhappy and at HIGH RISK of all the top disease and death causes…
And it’s not like you don’t know. YOU ARE intelligent. Deep down, you know you’re not taking proper care of yourself.
However, Blatant Self-Neglect holds strong, due to the various forces of life we allow to push us around… as each year tics by…
Some call it blind ignorance (where you don’t realize you’re being ignorant about your personal well-being).
The Great News Is, Once You Awaken, Incredible Improvements Await You
If we go back to January, (she was “ONLY” down 36 lbs back in January, lol) we can share Nicole’s email submission for our first annual “BEST Me EVER” Party. Her words may resonate deeply with you or someone you know:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: “Nicole Crouch”
Date: Jan 21, 2017 3:10 PM
Subject: “Best Me Ever” 2017 Story submission
My personal Investment… In ME
For a number of years I’ve felt as though I had completely lost control of my body.
My busy life of being a wife, mother and business owner really seemed to have taken its toll on me…
As I thought about those things, those investments, I realized that they were a very important part of who I am and that the time and energy invested in them was important and worthwhile. Then my thoughts turned to the things I wanted to do and enjoy, for ME, but I was tired and feeling old.
At that moment I realized I wasn’t invested in the most wonderful gift of life that I had been given.
Someday, would I be able to say that I had used that gift well and truly made the most of it?
That’s the moment I decided it was time to make a change.
“”I knew what to do because I had done it before. Heck, I’ve been to Curves, I’ve done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and even tried Nutri System once. I’ve had some success with those programs and been happy with the results, at least for a little while. But it never seemed to last….“”
Maybe that’s because my focus was more about “losing weight” as opposed to an overall desire to feel better and to be healthy and fit.
I knew I needed a shift in mindset but I wasn’t sure how to make that happen. Just when I needed it most, I met Joey.
He came to our church for a wellness event we were hosting. I stopped by his table and signed up for a sample session at the SCULPTAFIT Studio. And it wasn’t a hard decision since I already knew it was time to do something and this seemed worth a try.
I went to the session and enjoyed it. I was tired and much of it was challenging, but very doable, and it actually felt good. The next day I was pleasantly sore in places I didn’t know I could be! I realized just how dormant I allowed my physical body to get and how deconditioned I had become.
The weekend went by and on Monday, I was ready to go again. It did even better the second time and I decided to sign up right there and then. I knew this was going to be the thing that “works”. This was a conscious investment in my health and I was approaching it from that standpoint.
Sure I want to lose weight but this time it needed to be much more than that. After my first week, I felt good about my effort and after the second week I actually felt energized!
LOTS of positive things were starting to happen.
Fast forward 4 months. My continued “investment” is already paying big dividends. I enjoyed the holidays, stayed on target and have no regrets. This is the first holiday season where I actually got into better shape, despite all the parties, food and desserts. Amazing.
I began incorporating D.I.B.S activities (Days In Between Sessions) into my schedule around the second month and I’ve been able to do more and more each month. I feel great! I’m stronger, happier, and my body is responding positively.
Lately I don’t feel so old, I actually feel like I’m getting younger
…and I wake up rested and ready to face the day, looking forward to each one of them now.
Still, I can’t deny that I am a bit of a numbers person and I do get some motivation from knowing that in 18 weeks I’ve lost 36 lbs, approximately 4% body fat and numerous inches off my waist and hips.
I’m looking forward to life, to traveling, to spending time with my family and creating lasting memories. I’m advancing toward my fitness goals and my muscles and joints are getting stronger.
More than anything else, I’m creating a knew lifelong habit of living a healthy, active lifestyle.
While I’m still a “work in progress” I can say I’m in control again and I’m loving every minute of it!
My new mantra is “Fit Before 50”
There’s one last investment to mention. The coaches at SCULPTAFIT have made me feel as if they are also invested in me. Their words of motivation, support, reassurance and encouragement to be better have made all the difference.
They help me stay focused on my health, keep me accountable and celebrate in my successes. I’m grateful to have them on this journey to My Best Year EVER!
To be continued 🙂
There’s nothing better than a woman telling her “turnaround story” in her own words…
The only thing better than the story above is the fact that Nicole’s story is STILL unfolding, just like many other women here, and you can be sure we’ll be sharing Nicole’s next incredible progress update, as well as any other women who are ok sharing their stories and photos…
NOTE: when a woman becomes a client here, it is NOT mandatory that you share your success story and progress photos. We have many women who prefer to stay private and keep their success “quiet”. We TOTALLY respect that and oblige 🙂
BUT if you do join the movement here, and want to share YOUR success story of your journey, so that YOU many inspire other women to do the same, then we would love that of course!
This is our unique specialty, our gift, and we are good at it. We are the ONLY fitness program that utilizes the Gentle L.I.I.T. approach…
Low-Intensity Interval Training is a key element that Joey has been pioneering for at least a decade and it is part of the foundation of The SCULPTAFIT Method, and as a Team we are now perfecting this approach week after week, month after month… And the results are showing.
If you’re not already a client, and what you see in the video catches your interest as it relates to your personal health, wellness and longevity – then we’d love to invite you in for a Complimentary Sample Session…
Would You Like a “BEST Me EVER” Complimentary Sample Session?…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (or maybe even ‘1 Week Free’ if we have any left)