Fitness for Women

Coach Corinne Demonstrates Gentle Trouble-Zone Toning Moves

Coach Corinne’s Surprising Cover Letter to SCULPTAFIT

Hello and welcome 🙂

The purpose of today’s post is to introduce you to one of our newest Compassionate SCULPTAFIT Coaches, Corinne.

She’s a wife & mother of 2 who knows that health and wellness CANNOT be ignored… She has traveled her own journey and after finding sustainable fitness success – now has the burning passion to help other women achieve the same success.

SCULPTAFIT Coach Corinne

SCULPTAFIT Coach Corinne

To give you an idea about the type of coach Corinne is – here is something helpful…

After reading our “unique and remarkable” position posting – here is what Corinne sent us as a cover letter back in November:

[November 18, 2016]

Wow! Never have I read a position posting that got me so fired up with excitement!

SCULPTAFIT is exactly the place I’ve been looking for to pursue my career goals and continue to grow into the best possible version of myself, by helping other women find health and fitness success.

I know the traditional fitness offerings are not what the average woman needs. And it sounds like you have created the EXACT method and environment that women do need, in order to get their health on track and achieve realistic fitness for a high quality of life, for years to come.

Through my lived experiences I have learned how capable I am of achieving any goal I set for myself. My journey with health and fitness has leaded me to successful weight loss and has been life changing.

I know other women need the same outcome in their own life
and I want to be the person who leads them to their best self.

I want to help empower other women to discover their own, amazing potential. My empathetic nature gives me the ability to connect with others and in a more intimate setting, like SCULPTAFIT, I would have that opportunity.

I am a genuinely optimistic and upbeat person. I live my life with a kind heart and believe in lifting others up. I am looking forward to being surrounded by like-minded individuals who inspire others and will provide a supportive environment to thrive in.

I am eager to upgrade my dream career in the fitness industry and to learn more about SCULPTAFIT’s unique method for women. It sounds like the perfect place for lots of good and positive outcomes for all involved.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I am confident I could be “the one” you are looking for.


– Corinne Dean, CPT, WMS

Lots of hints and insight in Corinne’s cover letter that should help you understand what makes us so different and how we can help YOU… And as it turns out – she IS now part of the loving and caring team here at the SCULPTAFIT Studio (soon you’ll meet Coaches MaryAnne, Julie, Austin)

Here’s an “action” shot of Coach Corinne demonstrating one of our Signature “slow-tempo” trouble-zones moves (in this photo are 5 Patents Pending, because what we’ve created here has NEVER existed before.)

Coach Corinne Demonstrates Gentle Trouble-Zone Toning Moves

Coach Corinne Demonstrates Gentle Trouble-Zone Toning Moves

We Help Women Reach Their Most Desired Goals of Fitness, Wellness and Anti-Aging…

The truth is, it isn’t all about superficial vanity. While that counts as part of the equation – there are other elements of optimum living that are far more important and valuable

A – Improved Quality of Life and Enjoyment
B – Increased Productivity, Creativity and Awareness
C – Enhanced Abilities of All Activities, Old and New Ones
D – Elevated Moods, Happiness and a Sense of Life-Control
E – Smaller Clothes Fit Better, Fun to Shop Now, Can Wear Cuter Outfits
F – Reverse Certain Signs Symptoms & Causes of Premature Aging and Early Disease

Are You Ready to Take Care of You – The RIGHT Way? We Will Help You…

Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (FREE if you call/text now)

SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team of Saint Johns Mandarin Fleming Island Personal Trainer

SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team: Nikki, Kaci, Corinne, Austin, Alexa, Joey, MaryAnne

Women's Fit and Well Monthly December 2016 Edition

Women’s Fit and Well Monthly December 2016 Edition

December is almost done and January is almost here!!

And this edition of the SCULPTAFIT newsletter will help you make the transition in a positive and helpful way.

Click here to read ==> “Women’s Fit and Well Monthly December 2016 Edition”


Here are just a few sweet items in this edition of our newsletter:

1 – Festive Female Fitness (for Women of All Ages)
2 – “E5” Seminar Review
3 – Nikki’s Nibbles
4 – SuperFood Chocolate Bark (this is SOOOOooooooo GOOD!!)
5 – “Miss December”: Meet Our Client Spotlight for December; Lisa Wade
6 – Plus Inspirational Quotes, Tips and Recipes

And in the Season and Spirit of Giving – please do use the buttons below to share this month’s newsletter with all your female friends who can use the gift of good health 🙂 They’ll LOVE ya for it!

Kim's 5 Week Female Fitness Progress Update

Kim’s 5 Week Female Fitness Progress Update

Female Fitness case-studies are the key to seeing proof of what is possible for women…

Kim’s “real-time” case study is already inspiring other women to realize there is hope and “there is a way” to regain fitness, wellness of body and mind…

To put this video into context… It’s Kim’s 5 week update in a full video “mini-documentary” we are creating behind the scenes… Once we have all the segments and Kim is at, or near, her ultimate goal we’ll share the complete video.

You can bet, it will be quite popular with many women.

Kim’s “before” story is pretty powerful, and one that needs to be shared so other women can see what is possible, even after going through some very difficult phases of life.

When Kim first started we recorded a short interview where she shared her personal history up fitness “ups & downs” that were tied to life events. That segment will be part of the “mini-documentary”.

She heard about SCULPTAFIT through the grapevine and believed it sounded like it could be “the thing” that she needed in order to regain control of her own health and fitness, and her life.

“Even though she had already been making good progress with initial phases of basic weight-loss, she had hit a frustrating plateau that she couldn’t get through – and she knew there was more she needed, in order to have a big breakthrough and find the specific path that would lead her to her goals…”

After trying a Sample Session she knew…

“This is it!”

And the rest is history… So, if you’d like to get on the same path of “Positive Progress” as Kim, and the other women who’ve found “their thing” here at SCULPTAFIT – then do this…

Your Path of “Positive Progress” Starts Here

1 – Get in touch with Nikki asap to reserve one of the limited spots in the “28-Day In Gear By New Year” program, which starts on Monday, November 28th (we have a bunch of convenient class times throughout the entire day)

2 – Since it’s the Holiday Season we are offering Super-Special Holiday Pricing (even LOWER than the last 28-Day program) AND we are adding in the potential for 5 more weeks FREE, beyond the 28-Day program.

3 – And you also get 2 Complimentary “FIT-Q” assessments with Kaci
so we can measure your progress and changes.

4 – But because of the super-low Holiday pricing, we can only offer the following number of spots:

A ==> 6 spots in our SCULPTAFIT “Signature REJUVE-N8R” classes

B ==> 6 spots in our SCULPTAFIT “Express REJUVE-N8R” classes

These spots will go fast, so don’t procrastinate on yourself any longer. Something REALLY good for you is in the palm of your hands right now… Don’t let it slip away. (these spots are “first come, first served”)

“You can’t reserve your spot online, because we want to make sure this is the perfect fit for you first. So call or text Nikki asap: 904-891-3680 …”

(or email her: )

Here’s just a taste of feedback from the recent “28-Day Turnaround” we held:

“Ok, I must admit I was a bit skeptical at first. But once I met everyone here, the first layer of skepticism went away. Then I did my first session and was very impressed and hopeful.

And then, 16 days later I could already feel so many good changes happening. I was very surprised, because I had tried various programs in the past that made big promises, but didn’t live up to expectations. And here, it’s almost “too good to be true”, until you actually try it.

You realize; Ok, this is certainly unique. This just might be my answer. I’m only in week 3 and I’m convinced this is the answer. Kudos to everyone here.
From a happy, new believer.”

🙂 — “C”

The Female Body Has 640 Muscles

8 Life-Changing Strengths A Woman Can Rebuild at Any Age

As you read this, please keep this important point in mind:

“…your age doesn’t matter.”

You might be 31 or you might be 73 – or maybe somewhere in between…
But no matter what, at least one of the following 8 strengths will hit home with you – and quite possibly, all 8.

As a sedentary woman ages there are many signs and symptoms that become evident and obvious. There are also a few that are not so obvious.

Together these signs and symptoms of the aging body make the aging process feel like a fast downward spiral that cannot be slowed, reversed or corrected.

However, there is hope…

And the reason is because many of these declines and decreases are due to either a sedentary lifestyle or ineffective choices of fitness options. I’ll explain more about this shortly.

Quantifiable decreases in several key areas directly result in weakening of the body and mind.
Muscle wasting, bone-density loss, joint instability, decreasing mobility, lack of energy, poor mood levels and weakening self-image are just a few items on the list of unwanted milestones of adulthood.

A Woman’s Will Is A Woman’s Way

Fortunately, for the willing woman who isn’t ready to throw in the towel, there is much to be achieved when the desire to become fit is combined with a proper approach to do so.

“When a woman follows a properly structured fitness plan, she should expect to experience strengthening of many systems and structures of her body…”

Today We Highlight 8 of the Most Important and Impactful

1 – Muscle Strength

When muscles are not used they become atrophied. “Atrophy” is the medical term for shrink or decrease.
And when muscle tissue shrinks, we get weaker. In essence we become “less able”. Loss of strength means loss of ability.

This is one of the main reasons people eventually end up in assisted living homes. Simply because they can’t take care of themselves, can’t dress themselves, can’t feed themselves, can’t bathe themselves, etc…

The Female Body Has 640 Muscles

The Female Body Has 640 Muscles

Fortunately, muscle tissue and strength can be rebuilt at any age.

We have clients in their early 70’s who are experiencing profound improvements in muscle tone and strength. This of course leads to increased physical abilities – and a true sense of “aging in reverse”.

2 – Bone Strength

Osteoporosis is a major threat to women. In middle-age and beyond, when bones are not stimulated they, like muscle, lose density and strength.

“When bones become weak and brittle they are at higher risk for breaking…”

Some breaks can be a major setback for women. Hip fractures, for example, can lead to a cascade of other problems.

270 Bones In a Woman's Body

270 Bones In a Woman’s Body

If a woman has to be off her feet for an extended about of time, mild depression can set in and to cope, she may turn to food as a pacifier. The combo of severe bed rest and increased caloric intake is an equation that can lead to a place of no return.

The key is to increase bone strength through proper and consistent exercise, instead of waiting until it is disappearing, and your doctor has to break the bad news to you.

3 – Joint Strength

Our joints consist of a combination of parts. Bones, muscle, ligaments, cartilage and tendons are the primary parts of joints.

And your body has about 360 joints…

Individual Joints of Neck and Spine

Individual Joints of Neck and Spine

Yes, an amazing number when you first think about it.

“But if you stop to think about all the different ways we are able to move, twist, pose and stretch – then it’s not hard to realize this is all due to the number of joints in the human body; shoulder joint, knee joints, elbows, wrists, ankles hips, etc… And those are just the large ones…”

We were built to move. But, most people move less and less as their life progresses. And when we don’t move, the body adjusts accordingly. It decreases its own ability to move based on the requirements you are exposing it to (or not).

The key is, joint strength depends on regular and consistent joint use.
I want to emphasize “proper joint use”, which is very different than joint abuse. Joint abuse is what we see in the hardcore gyms, boot camps and high-intensity workout programs.

Those are not what we are promoting for increasing joint strength, because they can actually break joints down – which is not what you want.

“Joint strength and integrity come from proper use and stimulation. This is achieved by natural, gently challenging, movements that take the joints through functional range of motion. This type of mild fitness conditioning keeps the joints “younger and more capable”…

4 – Strength of Balance

When muscle strength and flexibility start to decline, so does balance. And when balance becomes a problem, the door is open for a number of tragic outcomes.

For example, poor balance can lead to a fall down a short flight of steps, and while a few bruises on the body can be easy to overcome – a blow to the head can sometimes be fatal. This happens more than most of us would imagine.

Strength of Balance

Strength of Balance

“Regaining balance comes from stimulation of the body’s balancing control system. The muscles, the brain and the neurons that all work together to keep us balanced can be enhanced and strengthened so that our balance improves, regardless of age…”

5 – Strength of Heart & Lungs

When the heart and lungs get underused, they become dormant and sluggish. They also become more prone to decay and illness. So, in addition to the loss of cardio-respiratory ability – the risk of life-threatening disease increases greatly.

Stimulation of the heart and lungs through enjoyable and consistent fitness programming keeps the cardio-respiratory system operating at optimal levels and offers us the ability to experience life in all the ways we desire.

Strong Heart and Lungs

Strong Heart and Lungs

For example, if you enjoy traveling, or some of the simple pleasures in life, such as a bike ride or a country side hike – then the strength of your heart and lungs is the key to be able to do all that…

“And when the day comes for having grandkids in your life – would you rather them be pushing you around in a wheelchair? Or would you rather be chasing them around, laughing and playing without restrictions?”…

6 – Strength of Mind

Strength of mind comes in many forms. Let’s just take “positive mindset” for this example.

“With a weak body and poor levels of physical and emotional fitness – the natural tendency is for one to live with a negative mindset. A negative mindset fuels negativity in one’s life…”

Strengthening the Mind

A Stronger Mind

Do you see that connection?

On the other hand, physical and emotional strength – derived from participation in a properly structured fitness program, fuels a positive mindset and therefore a positive approach to life and interaction with others.

This “strength of mind” carries over into all aspects of life, both consciously and subconsciously. This is in addition to the studies that have proven the increase of mental acuity and abilities that come as a result of proper physical fitness habits.

7 – Strength of Spirit

When everything gets weak, and we lose our abilities.
We get gloomy and dejected. Our spirit gets deflated and we lose “our essence”, we lose the spark of life that makes us unique and we lose that zest for living with a level of energy that emulates happiness.

A weakened spirit fuels an unhappy life.

Fortunately, turning this around is not a hard to do…

Stronger Spirit

Stronger Spirit

When we take control of our body, our wellness and our fitness we regain self-confidence and self-esteem – and this fuels a stronger spirit.

We realize the quality of our life is in our hands and not left to chance.

This wakes up a dormant spirit in the most profound ways…

8 – Strength of Libido

Depending on stage of life – this one matters to some, and to other it’s “not in the picture” any longer.

That is totally understandable, but for those who still have a libido, even if it’s just barely alive – it can be strengthened profoundly when the rest of the list above is addressed.

Think about it. When all the systems of the body are strengthened, enhanced and more capable – along with the improvements of mind and spirit – the libido has no choice but to be, re-awakened, rejuvenated and boosted to levels that may bring a few surprises.

reawaken strengthen libido

Reawaken and Strengthen the Libido

“This isn’t Fairly-Tale material. This is already proven and has been happening for years to those who’ve been lucky enough to stumble upon the simple answers that bring life-changing results…”

Life Is Profoundly Better When These 8 Strengths Improve

One might assume that a program which enhances all 8 strengths must be vigorous, complicated and time-consuming… But, the truth is – it doesn’t have to be…

“…Because, when structured properly the right fitness program for a woman can deliver all the benefits, in a fun, simplified and time-efficient method that can be followed for life…”

That is the key to envious longevity and living each day to the fullest. Together, these are nature’s path to anti-aging… what we call “Aging In Reverse” here in the studio 🙂

“Would you like to increase these 8 strengths? Just imagine how much better your life will be when you do…”


Our #1 Specialty Is Helping Women Rebuild and Enhance These 8 Strengths and We’d LOVE to Help You Do This

So, here’s your next easy step: Get in touch with Nikki with any questions you might have, and she can get you in for a Quick Studio Tour – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…After Nikki answers your questions, you can request a Complimentary Sample Session spot so you can try The Method for FREE, and you can meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

“Life is too short and too precious to live at 50% of your potential… Your personal potential will never be realized through self-neglect and endless excuses. Our sole mission is to bring you toward your top potential for life…” — Joey

sculptafit 930 wednesday session

Onward and Upward We All Go Together

SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra

SCULPTAFIT Reviews and Recommendations on Facebook and NextDoor

The first SCULPTAFIT Studio is about 6 months into “Existence” here in Saint Johns & Mandarin area…

And we are seeing LOTS of success from the women
who’ve decided to make this “their place for fitness & wellness”…

Today we share a little bit of this positive and inspiring feedback with you – with words directly from some of our clients.

“We share in hopes that their success shows you that you can find healthy success too… And it’s NEVER TOO LATE…”

As you read these reviews, be sure to keep in mind the “5 Laws of Fitness for Mature Women” (this is our specialty):

1 – Gentle (LOW-Intensity)
2 – Safe
3 – Fun
4 – Enjoyable
5 – Effective

Here are some Reviews and Recommendations from our SCULPTAFIT Facebook Page and our NextDoor page:




Debbie SD on SCULPTAFIT review on facebook

To See All SCULPTAFIT Reviews on Facebook Go Here:

To See All SCULPTAFIT Recommendations on NextDoor Go Here:

Do You Know Why We Share The Feedback From Our Clients With You?

Because we know we can help you in ways that NOBODY else can.
We’ve been given something very special and powerful to bring to the women of the world… to women just like you.

It’s quite possible you’re interested in exploring our Method to see all the ways it can benefit your life, improve your health & fitness and reverse pre-mature aging; so here are your next options:

1 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 2 powerful options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP with any questions you might have, and she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…She’ll reserve your Complimentary Sample Session spot so you can try The Method for FREE, and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos

SCULPTAFIT Pre-session Focus-Stretch

5 Keys to Get Fit and Healthy DURING the Holidays

“Today’s article is based on the outline from our October “E-5″ Seminar. These are monthly seminars we host in the SCULPTAFIT Studio for our clients, to help with nutrition guidance, mindset empowerment, and specific Q & A sessions. Enjoy and please do share this with your friends who can benefit from it…”

Getting heavier and more unhealthy during the Holiday Season doesn’t happen by accident…

And it doesn’t happen by some weird, mysterious forces that we can’t control…

It happens because people CHOOSE to let it happen.

People make detrimental choices during the months of November and December (some start as early as Halloween), that lead to weight gain and deteriorating health (physical, mental and emotional).

These choices usually fall into 2 primary categories:

A – choosing to NOT exercise
(even though their doctor says they “need to”.. and they themselves know they should)
B – choosing health-punishing foods that cause weight-gain, high-cholesterol, and a list of other damaging effects

This is all done with the dysfunctional mindset that has a mental message floating around that says; “I’ll get myself in gear and on track once January 1st hits…”

And just like all the years past
– January 1st comes around, all intentions are good, you have some sort of “plan”… and by mid February, you’ve totally fallen off your great plan of healthy habits and fitness improvements…

And you’re back in that destructive annual cycle
that will have you in even worse shape when the next new year rolls around in 12 months…

However, that life-killing cycle can be broken and REVERSED.
Other women have proven this time and time again. And here is how many of them do it…

5 Keys to Get Fit and Healthy DURING the Holidays

Key #1 – Kick Things Up NOW

DON’T Wait Until January.
Because you know how that panned out in the previous years.

A – Create a simple weekly fitness activity schedule and stay faithful to it. (Our clients at SCULPTAFIT make their sessions here in the Studio the main focus of their fitness schedule.) IF you don’t have a current program you can consider the free 7-Day Slim & Tone at Home Program that we offer (free link provided at end of this article).

Make this a top priority for YOURSELF, by basing it on your REASONS WHY. (Why do you want to be in shape and healthy? How does better wellness and fitness impact your life?)

B – Write down/schedule your D.I.B.S. (Days In Between Sessions) activities into your calendar/planner: You are far more likely to follow through on things that you actually write/type into your schedule so that it becomes visible and tangible. (this is such a simple, but POWERFUL strategy – JUST DO IT).

D.I.B.S. are what our clients are encouraged to do on the days they are not in the Studio for a SCULPTAFIT Session.

SCULPTAFIT Pre-session Focus-Stretch

SCULPTAFIT Pre-session Focus-Stretch

D.I.B.S. activities can range from a simple power-walk with a friend to one of the home/travel exercise videos in your private-client video library. You have LOTS of fun options for D.I.B.S. – but you have to ‘place’ them on your schedule.

C – Start being mindful of the party invites and the food consumption that goes along with those parties.
By being mindful of these future situations, you can be in a better state of mind to avoid overindulgence and the yucky feelings that result in the unneeded excess calories.

Key #2 – Pre-Plan Your Overall “Holiday Strategy”

Pre-determine your mindset,
based on your values and the goals you have in mind for YOURSELF.

Don’t default to how others “expect you to behave” during the holidays.



QUESTION TO PONDER: Why should you mimic the self-destructive behavior of others, just because you are spending time with them?

You have the awareness and the power to choose what you’ll eat and drink and how much you’ll eat and drink.

[ACTION TIP 1] Take a picture, or print out a copy of your calendar/schedule for the next 3 months and make notes of events/gatherings.

[ACTION TIP 2] Use a highlighter or colored pen
to highlight where potential food/beverage issues may present themselves. By doing this you can premeditate your approach to these parties and meals with your “January Goals” in mind.

Just “seeing” your upcoming schedule, and referring to it as a reminder, can strengthen your motivation to stick to your path, REGARDLESS of how other people behave at these events and parties.

Key #3 – Focus On Your HEALTH (not only your “weight”)

A – Make healthy dishes if you’re serving at your house, or if you’re bringing a dish to a party.

B – Be mindful and reasonable on YOUR portion sizes when eating.

C – Choose veggies and salads FIRST

D – Drink teas and sparkling waters (AVOID artificial sweeteners; aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame-K, acesulfame potassium)

Key #4 – Use Future Visioning

Think back to years past: What state of mind were you in every time January rolled around?

Were you upset with yourself? Were you depressed?

Were you in a state of despair?

Did you repeat the “new year resolution” gig? Only to fall off in a few weeks?

If so, you want to use that “future vision” of the scenario you want to replace with a much better future vision. A positive one that has you ALREADY in gear making positive progress and improvements.

Vow not to be a “serial resolutionist” – but rather, vow to be “Already On Track”

Key #5 – Set Your January 2017 Goals NOW

Don’t wait until January 1st or 2nd to start thinking of your personal goals for 2017. Start NOW, by getting a sheet of paper and write at the top: “My Personal Goals for 2017”

SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra

SCULPTAFIT End of Session Mantra

Then put the numbers 1, 2, 3 on the sheet
– and take just a few minutes to write down 3 reasonable but meaningful goals. (these may already be in your FIT-Q, but be sure to restate them on this new sheet as well).

Keep in mind you will be able to update your sheet with new goals (for Spring and then Summer, etc…) as you get close to, and reach, your initial goals.

For example, some goals might look like this:

A – Improve body composition by 2% by February 1st (this would mean going from 34% body-fat down to 32%)

B – Lose 9 LBS of unhealthy weight

C – Improve balance and strength, so I can do more activities with my family/friends. (more travel, trail walks, etc…)

D – Feel a noticeable increase in self-esteem and self-confidence, so other areas of my life are enhanced.

WRITE these goals down and post them where you can SEE THEM DAILY.

This is simple, but also SUPER-POWERFUL. Please don’t underestimate this step. This is a simple strategy for success.

What we put front and center is kept “top of mind” and we exponentially increase our ability to reach our goals in our desired time-frames.

Those are your “5 Keys to Get Fit and Healthy DURING the Holidays”…

…now if you’re thinking you need guidance and the right people to help you, in order for you to know you’re on the right path and to be connected to like-minded women who are supportive, encouraging and empowering, then get in touch with us.

We know we can help you in ways that NOBODY else can.
We’ve been given something very special and powerful to bring to the women of the world. Women just like you.

It’s quite possible you’re interested in exploring our Method to see all the ways it can benefit your life, improve your health & fitness and reverse pre-mature aging; so here are your next options:

1 – SCULPTAFIT “Signature” Method: this is our premiere-level small-group fitness/wellness program; aka, “The REJUVE-N8R”

2 – SCULPTAFIT “Express” Method:
this is our small-group fitness/wellness program, created for women on tighter schedules and tighter budgets (single moms, teachers, etc…); aka, “REJUVE-N8R Lite”

With these 2 powerful options, YOU have NO EXCUSES now… So, get in touch with Nikki ASAP with any questions you might have, and she can get you in for a Studio Tour/Meet & Greet – or a Complimentary Sample Session… Here’s how to reach her:

A – call her (or text her right now): 904-891-3680
B – Or email her:

…She’ll reserve your Complimentary Sample Session spot so you can try The Method for FREE, and have you meet some of the other amazing and friendly women here…

Or if you just want to get a FREE start at home, you can get our “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” here:

FREE "7-Day Slim & Tone at Home" Videos

FREE “7-Day Slim & Tone at Home” Videos