SCULPTAFIT Fitness Coaches Share Why They LOVE Coaching the Local Women
You’re going to LOVE this, because…
We don’t like “beast mode” (that’s so silly)
We don’t want to “kill it bro” (who says that???)
We don’t want to “go hard or go home” (who talks like that??!!)
We don’t believe in the “no pain no gain” thing (what’s wrong with people these days!!??)
Click play and enjoy (and WAIT FOR IT):
If you’re struggling with your personal fitness – worried about your health status – frustrated by lack of success with things you tried in the past, concerned about your wellness and what the future holds for you… Then reach out to us ASAP.
We are here for YOU. This is what we do – and we are the BEST at what WE DO.
We care about your life, your health, your longevity. And it’s our mission to guide you safely, properly and successfully to your best fitness and wellness goals.
We are inviting in 5 women this week to come try a series of Complimentary Sample Sessions – to see if we still have a spot left for you, reach out now by calling or texting one of the coaches here at 904-891-3680
The only thing you’ll regret is not getting in touch with us sooner.
It’s NEVER too late to do the right thing. You still have lots of life ahead of you if you take wise action now.
We look forward to meeting YOU 🙂
The Caring and Capable SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team
SCULPTAFIT Presentation at Keiser University
A few months ago, Ryan Fairall (PhD, CSCS, EP-C, CES) reached out to us from Keiser University’s Jacksonville Campus…
He’s the Sports Medicine & Fitness Technology Program Director at the University and he wanted to explore externship/internship opportunities for his students…
And thus started what is shaping up to be a mutually beneficial relationship between SCULPTAFIT and the progressive Health/Fitness Degree program at Keiser.
He asked if we’d be interested in coming to speak with his students about our unique position in the health/fitness industry and why/how we chose to take an unconventional approach in helping people get fit and healthy.
His main intention was to expand the thinking of his students to look beyond what already exists, and think about what still might need to be created and/or grown in the fitness industry to start reaching more and more people who need realistic and sustainable ways of wellness.
The video above dives deeper. So, enjoy and please do share it with anyone you wish…
And if you’re interested in taking proper care of your personal health, wellness and longevity – please reach out to Nikki at 904-891-3680 (call or text) to see if she can get you in for a Complimentary Sample Session and a pleasant Studio Tour.
“You only have one life, make it a healthy and vibrant one….”
Forward Thinking Inventor Turns Unique Fitness Vision Into Life-Changing Reality
In this interview with Miriam Fratianni of Switzerland, Joey shares the personal story of his journey from youth into adulthood, and the peaks and valleys that guided him toward creating a simplified approach to proper fitness and optimal wellness, not just for himself, but for countless others all over the world and in the SCULPTAFIT Studio in Saint Johns & Mandarin, Florida…
Here are some of the topics covered in this candid interview:
1 – his unique childhood situation that showed him what daily exercise can do for your body, mind and health
2 – insights as to why only a small percentage of the population “show up” to take care of themselves, while others neglect themselves
3 – obstacles that prevent people from getting healthy, well and fit
4 – how changes of life stages prompted new ways of seeing what daily fitness should consist of
5 – “not so obvious” effects of exercise on gut health, digestion and assimilation
6 – the hidden truth about our surroundings, our food supply and the unseen forces that trigger harmful choices
7 – the factors of necessity that led Joey to inventing the SCULPTABOD Genius Fitness Training Units
8 – the inspiration behind creating and opening the first SCULPTAFIT Studio in Saint Johns/Mandarin area
9 – plus several more mind-shifting insights that will have you thinking very differently by the end of the interview…
If by some good chance the information shared in the video interview above inspired you to take your next steps of proper fitness and personal wellness…
…then simply call or text us at 904-891-3680 (Nikki will get back to you asap)
==>> We have a few open times for Complimentary Sample Sessions in the next 3-6 days so you can come try it, meet the supportive people here and see if this is exactly what you need to get you on the right track and making the positive progress you deserve.
Here’s to your best health and optimal wellness,
Eavesdropper in St Johns & Mandarin FL Women’s Fitness Studio
If you’re in perfect health with a perfect body to match, then you may not need to watch this video…
If, however, you’re like 88% percent of the population (don’t worry it’s not totally your fault), then you will want to enjoy the gems, wisdom and insights we all share in this most recent “fly on the wall” video…
1 – The Subtle and Often Overlooked Physiological Elements that are necessary in order for a woman to regain her health, wellness and fitness for a high quality of life, and vibrant longevity
2 – Master Coach MaryAnne’s Mom (and inspiring SCULPTAFIT client), Susan, officially joins the Team as a Support Coach and Emergency Super-Sub. This lady is AMAZING and inspiring. Her history makes you say “WOW”. Honored to have her on board.
3 – 12 months ago we technically started with “zero” clients and we are soon going to break over the “100 client” level. And we will be cruising toward at least 200 clients by this same time next year. This all happens “one woman at a time”.
4 – Why we do what we do (for women like you). Our unique and special place in the universe. And the mission we are on to bring “real women” what they have been lacking, and needing, in their lives in order for them to take proper care of their mind, body and spirits.
To see what this unique, contrarian, proprietary, mighty and life-changing method of fitness is all about, come take a look at…
And if you’re in any of the following areas; Saint Johns, Fruit Cove or Mandarin, Florida – you owe it to yourself to come try a few sessions, ON US…. so you can see that your best potential, and life, can still be lived!
It’s never too late, and you deserve the BEST version of yourself.
Call or text me now at 904-891-3680 and I will give you 1 Complimentary Express Session AND 1 Complimentary Signature Session (I can only do this for the next few women, or else we will be overwhelmed.)
In health, wellness and longevity…
Middle-Age Fitness Breakthroughs, Improvements and Enhancements
If you’re like 88% of the population you’re most likely still struggling to get yourself on track with your health and wellness.
That is not a stat to be proud of or to feel good about, because it’s the direct line to a slow, painful death (sometimes a fast one, unfortunately)
The good news is your health and wellness can be PROFOUNDLY improved with a proper fitness program geared toward your needs and abilities.
In the video above we share some key revelations that will NOT find, see or hear anywhere else.
That one drop of hope, inspiration and fuel for motivation might just be what you hear in the video.
Watch, listen, and share it.
These messages need to be heard and it is the ONLY way our society is going to become healthy – or at least the people who choose to no longer be ignorant – and become “self-aware and proactive”.
If you’re not already a client, and what you see in the video catches your interest as it relates to your personal health, wellness and longevity – then we’d love to invite you in for a Studio “Quick Tour” and a Complimentary Sample Session…
Are you ready to be HEALTHY for you and your loved ones? Then just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (or maybe even ‘1 Week Free’ if we have any left)
How Women Overcome Challenges to Be Fit, Happy & Strong for Life
This is the “Atlas Candid Cam” version of the Fitness Whisperer Podcast Episode #5
In this enlightening episode, you’ll hear:
1 – The Cool Story of How MasterCoach MaryAnne and Joey Met About 5 Years Ago
2 – How MaryAnne Didn’t Know that “most people never exercise”, when she was a growing up (this was a shock for her to learn)
3 – How she, her mom, and many of our SCULPTAFIT Clients have overcome, beat, defeated injuries, setbacks and obstacles, to become, fit, healthy, strong and happy… (we call it “Aging In Reverse” here)
4 – How Coach Corinne (possible a Master Coach by the time you see this) went through an incredible transformation since joining the SCULPTAFIT Team (this was VERY unexpected, and giving me goosebumps as I write this)
5 – How both women and men can take simple, doable steps toward reversing the aging process, adjusting the mindset, regaining lost abilities, and re-awakening the you of years past.
6 – And many more revelations that will inspire, awaken and motivate you to take positive action TODAY.
If you’re not already a client, and what you see in the video catches your interest as it relates to your personal health, wellness and longevity – then we’d love to invite you in for a Complimentary Sample Session…
Would You Like a “Spring/Summer Ready” Complimentary Sample Session?…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (or maybe even ‘1 Week Free’ if we have any left)

Joey Atlas and SCULPTAFIT Master Coach MaryAnne On “The Fitness Whisperer” Podcast Episode 5
The Story Behind SCULPTAFIT Studios, The SCULPTABOD Unit and The Method
Today we share a recent interview of Joey Atlas, Founder of SCULPTAFIT Studios and inventor of the SCULPTABOD fitness training unit…
Liz Callham, from the Association of Fitness Studios, hosted the insightful interview and asked Joey questions that brought about answers which highlight the reasons why women are being attracted to this new, gentle, fun and effective approach to body-mind fitness and anti-aging…
Here are some of the points Joey talked about in this interview:
1 – How his own life challenges and disappointments forced him to invent an easier, more enjoyable way to stay in awesome shape and healthy.
2 – Why his friends, family and clients kept pushing him to do something with this unique fitness invention he created for himself and his kids (at first).
3 – The reasons for opening the first SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women in Saint Johns & Mandarin area of Florida.
4 – What sets the “all female”, compassionate coaching team of SCULPTAFIT, apart from all the other fitness facilities and programs on the market (this is BRILLIANT… a game changer)
There is more revealed in this interview that will open your eyes to your own potential and how you can make positive health and fitness improvements starting today and lasting for a LIFETIME.
If you’re local, in the Saint Johns, Mandarin area – and you’re interested in taking care of your fitness and wellness, so you can live your best life possible – then call or text Nikki now, 904-891-3680 , to talk about a Complimentary Sample Session and Personal Fitness Consultation (all 100% FREE)
Nikki Doherty
Women’s “Well & Fit” Coach
Director of Smooth Operations
SCULPTAFIT – The Gentle Method for Women
16 Simple Exercises That Can Change Your Entire Life
1 Secret Ingredient of SCULPTAFIT
We have a handful of proprietary ingredients that make SCULPTAFIT the unique and special fitness program that many women are gravitating toward…
For example, every 4 weeks, the Coaching Team designs a new “configuration” of the 16 stations in the SCULPTAFIT Studio. Why we do this every 4 weeks is part of our ‘secret sauce’, so we can’t say too much about that…
Here’s what we can share:
The Coaching Team (MaryAnne, Corinne, Kaci and Nikki) all get together to plan out the next 16-station circuit sequence (configuration). And they also give it a theme so clients have at least one primary element to be mindful of during the 4-week phase of a specific configuration (this is one of the ways we engage and enhance the ‘body/mind’ connection and coordination)
Some examples of these 4-Week Configuration themes are; total-toning, balance, bandology, mindful moving, energy-up/body-fat down, etc…
After the Team designs the configuration, Master Coach MaryAnne meets with Joey for a walk-through/talk-through review, for any final tweaks or adjustments. The video above is a “behind the scenes” look at one of these walk-through/talk-through sessions…. Nikki (Director of Smooth Operations) let the candid camera roll and caught it all on video.
After watching the video, we thought it would be a good idea to share it today to give you a better idea of the careful planning that goes into our gentle, safe, fun and wildly effective method we guide women through on a daily basis.
The video above only shows part of the magic. There is more to what we do and how we make this easy, comfortable and enjoyable for women becomes more evident once you visit the Studio the first time… And from there life just keeps getting better and better…
At minimum, even if you only try to mimic some of the movements we share in the video, at home, and you do them on a consistent basis, you may get just enough out of them to realize “YES, I can do something for myself that makes me feel better and is getting me into better shape and better health!!”
If you’re not already a client, and what you see in the video catches your interest as it relates to your personal health, wellness and longevity – then we’d love to invite you in for a Complimentary Sample Session…
Would You Like a “Spring Ready” Complimentary Sample Session?…
Just call or text Nikki now: 904-891-3680 and let her know you’re interested in a Complimentary “SIGNATURE Sample Session” and Personal Fitness Consultation (or maybe even ‘1 Week Free’ if we have any left)
Week #1 of “The NEW Way of Fitness for Women”
It’s Friday, almost the end of the first Official Week in Operation of the brand new SCULPTAFIT Studio for Women here in Saint Johns/South Mandarin… And boy do we have a LOT to share with you.
We Jump Right In…
1 – Our first group of “eager and ready” women have set the tone for what SCULPTAFIT is all about and exactly “who” it is for.
Just click play on this video and be prepared to hear things you NEVER heard before:
If Lisa, Delcene, Tambra, Dionne and Terri don’t awaken your mind to a whole new world of possibilities for you – then maybe the other videos we’ll be posting next week will 🙂
2 – New friendships are being made and horizons are expanding.
At the core of this whole endeavor lies a common thread:
Each woman joining us at the Studio (as different as some of them may appear on the surface) is at a place in life where they “KNOW THEY NEED THIS”… and they know if they don’t place priority on their health and wellness – then their life from here forward will continue to become a harder struggle… An uphill battle that just gets tougher and tougher as the months and years pass by…
They know the superficial aspects of being “out of shape” is a representation of what is brewing “inside”:
1 – Adult onset diabetes
2 – Risk of osteoporosis
3 – Risk of early heart disease
4 – Exacerbation of menopause symptoms
5 – And several others every middle-aged women already knows about…
These women coming together at SCULPTAFIT know “there is strength in numbers” and they know there is even more strength when everyone is moving in the same direction – supporting, inspiring and motivating each other in the process…

Official Opening: Day One at the 1st SCULPTAFIT Studio
3 – The Studio is taking on the feel of a “safe haven”…
…A place where each woman can relax, be herself and focus on what is most important to her, her health and well-being – fully KNOWING that everyone else in the room is not only there for herself – but also to support each other… Very powerful – and very special to see.

We opened the Studio with 2 mantras we developed over the last few months. One mantra is for the start of every session in the Studio and the 2nd mantra is for the end of every session. These mantras are quickly taking on meaning and becoming part of the ‘language’ we all share here…
We hope you at least give yourself the chance to experience what is happening here and maybe even become part of this positive, empowering and unique community of women who are living life to the fullest, on a solid foundation of optimal health and proper fitness.
>> Want to stop your downward spiral into poor health?
>> Want to get out of the personal “nowhere land” you feel you’re floating around in?
>> Want to achieve your best version of you – for yourself and your loved ones?
Then just call Nikki RIGHT NOW: 904-891-3680 so she can give you a tour of the Studio and further explain the Method, and how The SCULPTAFIT Coaching Team can guide you down the path of positive progress in a way that not only feels amazing, but is amazing in more ways than we can even put into words…
Oh – and one more thing! lol.. yes, even though I’m “a guy”, I’m still around the Studio at certain times, so I hope to meet you soon! But make it fast because the girls may not let me be around too much as things get busier and busier…
Crazy to think I might not be allowed in the place I created! LOL… Ah well – all good!!
Joey “Atlas” Gennusa
Chief Enhancement Orchestrator
SCULPTAFIT – The Method for Women