Small-Group Fitness Success for Women: Ellen Goes Beyond the “100 Club” at SCULPTAFIT Studio
She tried common fitness centers, regular gym personal trainers, you name it… But NOTHING ever stuck.
Then a friend invited her to come try a complimentary Sample Session at the SCULPTAFIT Studio.
She reluctantly tried it, even though she thought she wouldn’t be coming back…
And, to her unexpected surprise – she discovered the PERFECT FIT!
And wouldn’t you know? She’s been coming ever since! ..and she’s now in the “100 Club” (100, or more, sessions attended!)
You’ll see in the photo below, taken at her FIT-Q checkin for May 2019 – her weight is down, body-fat is down and her energy and health are UP!!
Awesome – yes!! But it’s even better to hear it straight from Ellen herself – so, here you go!
——— Forwarded message ———
From: Ellen B
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: 100 Club Photo
Hey Nikki,
I can’t believe I’ve made the 100 Club.
I have to thank my friend Erica, who over a year ago, told me about SCULPTAFIT and told me to come and have a free sample session.
I came and I truly didn’t think I would continue, because I have tried gyms, trainers and NOTHING ever stuck.
But to my surprise, SCULPTAFIT has turned out to be the perfect fit for me!
I love that it’s all women, (NO, I love the “workouts”, and most of all I love the coaches!
I’m still a work in progress but I actually look forward to my “workouts”, and until SCULPTAFIT that has NEVER happened to me!!
Thanks for all you guys do!

Ellen Surpasses “100 Club” in Small-Group Fitness Sessions for Women at SCULPTAFIT Studio
We LOVE LOVE LOVE healthy success stories like Ellen’s!
And we’d LOVE to help you reach personal success in your health and wellness as well…
If you’re interested in trying our gentle, fun and effective method of fitness for optimum wellness – then reach out asap!
We’d love to have you in for a friendly Studio Tour and a Complimentary Sample Session.

Wellness for Women Works When You Know How to WORK IT!!
Just call or text us at 904-891-3680 for a Studio Tour and Complimentary Sample Session
We hope to see you soon so we can help you get healthy, fit and WELL!!
PS – we also offer 1-on-1 Personal Training in addition to our unique and effective LIIT Small-Group Fitness Sessions

Personal Training Session: LIIT “Posture Primer” on SCULPTAFIT Gym System
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